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Juan Ponce de Leon

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Juan Ponce de Leon

A Spanish Explorer

Birth Date:1460

Photo by 427

Occupation: Soldier, Explorer

Photo by Ricky Flores

Home Country: Spain

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Date of Death: July of 1521

Photo by Werner Kunz

Sponsoring Country: Spain

Photo by Paco CT

Sponsor and Provider of funds: King Ferdinand and Queen Isebella

Photo by lisby1

Explored to Find Gold

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Purpose: To Find Gold and the Fountain of Youth

Seeking: Gold and the Fountain of Youth

Photo by Str1ke

Dates of Exploration: 1493-1521

Where They Traveled: Caribbeans, Florida, Cuba

Map of Juan Ponce de Leon

Discoveries: Puerto Rico and Florida

Why is he known: He is Known for Owning Puerto Rico

Photo by enlacepr

What Impact Did They Had On The World: He First Made a Settlement in Puerto Rico, Then Discovered Florida