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Published on Nov 22, 2015




By Brian Holland

the Origins

  • Judaism was created around 1300 B.C.
  • Judaism is mostly practiced in Middle eastern countries
  • Judaism has around 14 million practitioners
  • Judaism was founded by Abraham
  • Judaism is mostly practiced by Israelites and Hebrews

MONOTHEISTIC or polytheistic?

  • Judaism is a monotheistic religion
  • The Jewish people believe in God


  • Most of the people that believe in Judaism are located in the Middle East.
  • Most of the practitioners are located in Israel

major beliefs

  • Jewish people only believe in one God
  • Also they believe that God takes special care of the Jews
  • Jewish people believe that God is their Savior

Types of groups

  • Jews have been noticed as two major groups
  • Ashkenazim, which are the German Jews
  • Sepharadim, which is the Hispanic Jews. 

scriptures and Holy texts

  • The Jewish people believe in the Bible and the ethnic guidelines of the Torah.
  • The Torah is also known as the Five Books of Moses.

Key figures

  • The biggest key figure is probably Moses.
  • Moses was the person who led the children of Israel
  • Moses led the people out of Egypt into Israel                
  • Moses also presented the Ten Commandments to the people
  • Jewishpeople believe that the prophets tell the exact words of God.

major values

  • Jewish people believe that all foods must be Kosher.
  • Kosher requires Jewish people to eat Kosher food year round, not just during Passover.
  • Food can become Kosher without a rabbi or priest even coming in contact with the food.
  • Certain animals may not be eaten at all.

Special Days

  • Holidays begin at sunset the night before and work is forbidden on many holidays.
  • Some holidays are one day longer than the Bible says.
  • Holidays fall on different dates every year.

Unique  things

  • Jewish religions believe that God is only one way to make it to heaven.
  • Judaism does not believe in hell or the devil.
  • Judaism believes that the word of God is transported to the people from Moses.

Major Conflicts

  • One of the main conflicts in the Jewish religion was one that actually one conflict that helped form the Jewish religion.
  • The Hebrews were led by Moses out of Egypt after thousands of years in slav
  • Then Moses parted the Red Sea to get to the "Holy Land" and to escape the E
  • Moses then gave the children of Israel the Ten Commandments 

How is judaism in the holy land?

  • After the parting of the Red Sea, Moses and the people of Israel scattered all over the “Holy Land.”


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