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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by MAMJODH

Orgin, Text, Sacred Building, & Holy Place

Orgin= Isreal
Text= The Tenach
Sacred Building= Synogogue
Holy Place= Jerusalem

  • Orgin= Isreal
  • Text= The Tenach (Torah,Nevi'im,Ketuvism)
  • Sacred Building= Synagogue
  • Holy Place= Jerusalem

The main symbol of judaism is the Star Of David. Some other symbols are the dradle, the menorah, candle sticks, & many more.

Torah ( 5 books)

The Torah contain the 5 books and they are The Genesis, The Exodus, The Leviticus, The Numbers, and The Deuteronomy. These books contain a range of meaning and Judaic traditions.

Impotant Day

The most important day of the week is the Sabbath. On this day Jews do not do any kind of work some thing they cannot do is drive or cook.

Special Items

One special item is a Kippah and that basically is a skull cap. Another thing is a Tallit and that a prayer shawl. Another thing is a Tefilin and that is a a small leather box with long leather straps attached.

Boy/Girl Ceremonies
For boys their is a Bar Mitzvah, and for a girl is is called Bat Mitzvah.Boys have to be 13 for a Bar Mitzvah and girls have to be 12 for a Bat Mitzvah. On this the boy becomes a son of Commandment and the girls becomes a dauther of Commandment.


Marriage in Judaism is called Kiddushin.The couple are married under a huppah which is a kind of canopy.The couple make a contract or promises together.A glass is broken to remind them that their joy will neer be complete until the Holy Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt.

Jewish Celebrations

Rosh Hashanah is the jewish New Year festival and commemorates the creation of the world. Day of Judgement is the Jewish Festival of Lights.