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Judaism Presentation

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Where in the world was Judaism started?
Judaism started in Isreal and the Middle East

Year Judaism was created?
Judaism was created 4,000 BC (2,000 BC)

What is Judaism all about?
•Judaism is an ancient monotheistic(belief in one God) religion
•Jews believe that God is eternal
•when Jews die they will go to heaven
•Jews believe in the prophets that were chosen by God
• God created everything

Scared writing or books for Judaism
•Talmud (The Oral Torah)
•The Septuagint

Where do Jews go to worship?
Jews worship at a synagogue.

Major holy days for Jews
•The Sabbath
•The New Month
•The Jewish New Year
• Passover
•Yom Rishon - First day of Yom Kipper

Major traditions for Jews
•The Sabbath- day of rest on Saturday
•Bar Mitzvah- it is for 13 year old boys
•Rosh Hashana
•Yom Kippur

Interesting facts about Judaism
•Jesus was a Jew
•Christianity was based off of Judaism
•Judaism has 613 commandments
•Judaism is one of the oldest religions still being practiced
• there is about 14 million Jews in the world