Just how does technology affect our society?
Sources: Brave New World by: Aldous Huxley, Moral shortcomings in the Technology Debate by: Rinie van Est, Homo mobilis by: The Economist Illustrated by: Bell Mellor.
Moral shortcomings in the technology debate summary. Rinie Van Est believes that politics are not capable of spreading technological innovations and clearly shows it by stating "I Do Not Agree With This" when the previous text is about how politics can. Technology hasn't just taken over our lives its "become a part in nature" and has chosen the next path mankind will take. While in the long run technology is destroying us it can be used to save us if used correctly.
Technology is so important in our society that if we were to lose it we wouldn't know what to do, people would die, and the world would come to a complete stop. All though it technology is taking over our lives it is also extremely necessary for the survival of the sick and the survival for the hungry and much much more.
Brave New World and our society today. Both The Brave New World and our society have been over run by technology. They both deeply depend on tech to survive and do simple things. With out tech both society would come to a complete halt. Brave new world is clearly dependent on tech because they worship the man who invented the assembly line.
The conclusion. In all the presentation has made it clear that technology is destroying us but maintaining us until our tragic end.