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Just Imagine

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Introduction to the Bible.


Just Imagine

for a moment....

You were deep

inside the world's largest library....

More books

than you could ever read....
Photo by marcp_dmoz

Imagine trying

to find ........
Photo by Simon Welsh

Sixty six books

easy enough right? 
Photo by Diueine

But wait

There's a small hitch.....
Photo by andrewrennie

You have to find

sixty six special books...
Photo by brewbooks

all Written within

the same 1500 year time frame....
Photo by .scribe

by 40 different authors

most of whom never met each other....

Pretty easy eh?

But wait. There's more....
Photo by cbcastro

They have to be written

in three different languages.....

From three different continents

maybe a little more of a challenge....
Photo by amphalon

oh, I almost forgot

they have to be about ten different types of literature....
Photo by OU Platform

and one more thing

all of these books have to tell....

the same story

without error or contradiction.
Photo by FonnaTasha

And then you have to do one more thing...

shouldn't be too hard.
Photo by Great Beyond

Put it all into one book

in virtually every known language....
Photo by Richard Ruzsa

and get people to read it.

and even be willing to die for it.
Photo by solofotones

if you could do this small task

then you would have....
Photo by bhagath makka

The Bible

Now that's amazing.
Photo by Mrs4duh