[...] But the monstrous beast was not a dead weight; on the contrary, it enveloped and oppressed the man with its powerful, elastic muscles; it clasped itself to the chest of its mount with its two vast claws
On the jewish question
- written in 1843
- criticism of Bruno Bauer’s study on Jews’ political
The german ideology
- written in 1845
- never published
- officially with Engels
- criticizes German philosophers at the time (idealism , no bearing in the material world)
What methodology and argumentation does Marx follow in order to justify human emancipation?
Are his ideas still relevant in the modern day world?
I. The Marxist Method
A/ historical Materialism
B/ 3 pillars of his analysis
II. Sources of alienation & solutions to achieve human emancipation
A/ a secular state ?
B/ emancipation from material imprisonment
III. Marx in the 21st century
A/ can we really abolish religion ?
B/ embody Marxist ideas as a politician today ?
Through his materialistic conception of history, Marx demonstrates that religious and material conditions alienate humans by bringing them further away from the ultimate goal of human
emancipation. However, some of these ideas seem inapplicable today.
a/ materialistic conception of history
- Thought is limited by experience
- social and economic conditions determine thoughts and actions
- the material conditions of a society determine its development
A/ materialistic conception of history
- Primitive communism
- Ancient society
- Feudalism
- Capitalism
Principles of historical materialism:
- Basis of society: humans work on nature to produce means of subsistence
- Division of labor creates social classes based on the ownership of capital or of labor force
- Society shifts stage when the dominated class overthrows the dominant class
b/ 3 pillars that characterize marx's society
- birth of modern society
- division of labor
- structure vs superstructure
II. SOurces of alienation
a/ a secular state ?
- it's not enough...
- ... because religion continues in the private sphere
- human emancipation is only possible if religion ends
“the state may have emancipated itself from religion, even though the immense majority of people continue to be religious. And the immense majority do not cease to be religious by virtue of being religious in private’”
- class division / exploitation of the workforce alienate humans
- The laborer’s work day: necessary labor and surplus labor
- capitalism vowed to fail because of a major inconsistency
III. Marx in the 21st century ?
A/ can we really abolish religion ?
- Ending class distinctions and racism is morally acceptable...
- ... but is it possible and legitimate to wish
to abolish religion?
84 % of the world population has faith
B/ Marxist ideas as a politician today ?
- Jeremy Corbyn
- elected UK Labour Party Leader in 2015
- follower of Marx's ideology
- Marxist ideas taken word for word do not appear relevant in today’s globalized world.
"Marx the revolutionary prophet is dead. Marx the razor sharp analyst persists"
Thank you for your attention