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Slide Notes

Psalm recognized as one speaking about the Messiah, about Jesus, and his conquest of death through the resurrection

quoted by Luke in his version of the risen Jesus in Luke 24:8

Peter in his sermon on Pentecost refers to it in Acts 2:22-28 by quoting verses 8-11 of Psalm 16

Paul in Acts 13 pulls in Psalm 2:7, Isaiah 55:3, Psalm 16:10, Habakkuk 1:5

all illustrating that even when Jesus appeared to be dead, I mean really dead, in what looked like the death blow to God's redemptive plan....the darkest hour of the church's history, God was quietly working under the surface, to bring Jesus back to life.....this Psalm is a description of the heart of Jesus during those dark days of the crucifixion.....

How do we keep going in the face of what seems to be overwhelming defeat.....

How do we keep growing anyway.....

Let's read the text together....

Keep Growing

Published on Jan 19, 2017

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Keep Growing

Psalm 16
Psalm recognized as one speaking about the Messiah, about Jesus, and his conquest of death through the resurrection

quoted by Luke in his version of the risen Jesus in Luke 24:8

Peter in his sermon on Pentecost refers to it in Acts 2:22-28 by quoting verses 8-11 of Psalm 16

Paul in Acts 13 pulls in Psalm 2:7, Isaiah 55:3, Psalm 16:10, Habakkuk 1:5

all illustrating that even when Jesus appeared to be dead, I mean really dead, in what looked like the death blow to God's redemptive plan....the darkest hour of the church's history, God was quietly working under the surface, to bring Jesus back to life.....this Psalm is a description of the heart of Jesus during those dark days of the crucifixion.....

How do we keep going in the face of what seems to be overwhelming defeat.....

How do we keep growing anyway.....

Let's read the text together....

Photo by ali eminov

Keep me safe, my God for in you I take refuge.
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord apart from you I have no good thing.”I say of the holy people who are in the land,
“They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.”

Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more. I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods or take up their names on my lips. Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.

because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Let's pray......

Make Your Connection

with God personal
How do we keep growing even in the face of overwhelming defeat...?

Make your connection to God a personal one.....vs. 1-4

ME - my life, my fears, my needs......

Preserve me - place a guard over me, a sentry who watches out for the enemy and warns me when they are close

Put me in a place where hope can be found - a refuge from the hopelessness around me

Connect with the God of Scripture

El - the God who is able......vs. 1

Jahweh - Jehovah The God who is personal LORD in verse 2

Adonai - the God who is sovereign, in charge, worthy of our submission......Lord in vs 2

One we can trust....

with what scares us
with what worries us
with what attacks us
with what threatens to kill us

It is when we let God handle the things of life that matter to us is when we learn to trust him...

Connect with those who know God.....

the saints in the land - those who have connected with God and have been set apart by the blood of Jesus because of His grace

awe inspiring ones - the ones who know to choose God over other options....

who are the source of great joy in my life, the ones who when you leave them you are better off, your faith is strengthened...there is a spring in your spiritual step....

just the opposite of isolating yourself when things are not going your way....

who know to run to God not away from him in difficulties

and so avoid making things worse - more pain, more injury, more wounds.....

and do not join with others when they turn away from God as their solution to the problem they face

Photo by Pulpolux !!!

How personal have you been with God lately?

Walk in Fullness

with God
Jahweh - vs. 5-6

The Lord offers me

a personal relationship

1. my chosen portion

2. my cup

(Illus. walking with Jesus is as satisfying like a good meal...)

a personalized journey

1. my lines, boundaries, place situation in life

pretty good place as I look to what is in front of me.....

How could Jesus say that if the cross was what he was facing......

(Illus. image of God setting my boundaries like you survey a piece of property for life, the most basic being its length)

my future - inheritance

May your walk with God be a satisfying one...

one thankful for life

content with the boundaries God has set for us

our life in general

our gifts

Photo by Gwyrosydd

How "Full" are you
on a scale of

And what would it take to move a little closer to a 10?

How willing are you to move a step closer?

What stands in your way?

Photo by s2art

Create Some Space

for God
vs. 7-8

Bless the Lord - speak well of happy about the way God speaks into my life.....

For God's counsel

- serves as an outside consultant

- one who helps devise plans

For God's instruction
- correction, discipline,

For God's Influence

set the LORD always before me - I choose to put God in a place where I can see him continually

(Illus. Who has your attention constantly.....How can you keep the Lord in front of you at all times....)

For God's strength - my right hand - poetic way of describing God being the source strength

For God's stability

- I will not be shaken - stability when caught in the turbulence of life

- to be shaken so much that you lose your balance and fall over...

Staying Connected

  • Prayer
  • Scriptures
  • Lord's Supper
  • Baptism
The chief of these means are prayer, whether in secret or with the great congregation; searching the Scriptures; (which implies reading, hearing, and meditating thereon;) and receiving the Lord's Supper, eating bread and drinking wine in remembrance of Him: And these we believe to be ordained of God, as the ordinary channels of conveying his grace to the souls of men.



in God
vs. 9-10

There is a place to rejoice

God will not forget you

abandon us, walk away from

God will help us avoid decay for in God is life, and the ability to shake off the stuff of life that leads to death

Photo by estherase

3 Way Reminder

life, joy, sweetness
vs. 11

You have made known the pathway of life

fullness of joy in your presence

God provides the life's sweet center

God wants us to know that life with Him is a relaxing, joyous, sweet way to live......

Keep Growing

  • Make connection personal
  • Walk in Fullness
  • Create some space
  • Rest ....Here....
Photo by ali eminov

Michael Cadrette

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