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Kenya Under Colonization

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Who colonized Kenya and when?

Britain, from 1895 to 1963
They ruled Kenya for 43 years.

Photo by Mrs TeePot

Before Kenya was colonized, it was called?

Kirinyaga or Kerenyaga

How did Britain gain control over Kenya?

Kenya 'army' was very small compared to Britain's. Although resisted them settling.

Valuable resources that Kenya had

Fertile land which was good for farming. Farmers were able to grow crops like:




Why did Britain want to colonize Kenya?

-In Kenya there was good climate
-There was competition for power against France, Germany and Portugal.

What negative changes did Britain make to Kenya?

-Ruined most of Kenya natural resources
-Ruined Kenya's faiths and beliefs
-Delayed Kenya's independence growth as a country
-Affected Kenya's past, present and future
-The best land was taken away from the natives at given to the settlers

The Mau Mau Rebellion

-Started in the 1950s
-Was a militant African nationalist group
-Primarily made up of Kikuyu
-Had to take an oath to join this secret movement
-British defeated the Mau Mau

Problems in Kenya today

-The literacy rate in Kenya is very high but education is hard to get. People end up living on the streets. About than 50% of people in Kenya are below the poverty line.
-Starvation. About 75% of the people in Kenya are subsistence farmers. There are unpredictable floods and recurring droughts.
-HIV/AIDS is a big problem in Kenya. There are many cases every year.
-Corruption and poor leadership is on of the reasons why Kenya is still in poverty.

Issues that affect Kenya

Laws and policies, Poverty, Child Survival ,Malnutrition
,HIV/AIDS ,Education and
Child protection

Kenya Today

Form of government: Republic
Current population: 45,010,056
Languages spoken: English, Kiswahili and numerous other indigenous languages
Education expenditures: 6.7% of GDP (2010)

Kenya Today

Exports: $6.58 billion

Commodities- tea, horticultural products, coffee, petroleum products, fish, cement

Partners- Uganda 10.3%, Tanzania 10%, Netherlands 7.7%, UK 7.2%, US 6.3 %, Egypt 4.8%, Congo 4.4%

Kenya Today

GDP: Per capita- $1 800

Suffrage: 18 years of age

Ethnic groups & religions; Kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Lou 13%, Kalenjie 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, other African 15%, non-African ( Asian, European and Arab) 1%

Kenya Today

Transnational issues:

Illicit Drugs
Refugees and internally displaced people