Kevin Islam

Published on Jan 04, 2017

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The Five Pillars

Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj  
Photo by blavandmaster

Shahada-Profession of Faith

Photo by onbangladesh

Shahada-Profession of Faith

  • When an infant is born, you have to whisper the shahada in its ears
  • You have to recite that Allah is the only god
  • You have to accept that even though there were prophets before him, Muhammad was the greatest
  • You have to recite that Muhammad is Allah's prophet
  • It is the first step of converting to Islam and becoming a Muslim
Photo by Andrew*



  • Five times a day
  • Before prayer, you have to do wudu, which is cleansing of oneself
  • In wudu, you wash lots of your body parts three times
  • Muslims pray in Mosques
  • When you pray, you face the Quibla which is facing Mecca
Photo by Andrew*



  • In some countries, the tax is called Zakat
  • In some countries, Muslims give their individual donations
  • You donate 2.5% of your income
  • You care for the poor
  • And money goes into funding Muslims and to the poor
Photo by Andrew*


Photo by mag3737


  • No good from sunrise to sunset
  • Ramadan one month a year
  • The sick, very young children, and the pregnant not required to fast
  • There is a celebration at the end of Ramadan
  • Eat huge feasts before sunrise and sunset
Photo by Andrew*

Hajj-Pilgrimage to Mecca

Photo by emdot

Hajj-Pilgrimage to Mecca

  • This is for people that are financially and physically able
  • Must pray at the Kaaba
  • pilgrims wear simple garments to erase cultural and class differences to stand equal before God
  • More than two million people visit Mecca a year
  • Circle around the Kaaba counterclockwise seven times
Photo by Andrew*

World Studies: Room 23

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