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Keystone Pipeline

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Keystone Pipeline is owned by TransCanada
  • The pipeline runs through Canada and to the bottom of the U.S
  • It produces high revenue for both countries
  • Althoguh it produces good moneyand good oil there are many defects
  • There is many environmental issues though
Photo by rcbodden


  • There are many negative downfalls to the pipeline
  • Some downfalls are that it effects the enviorment
  • Oil spills are the main environment problem
  • Also the pipeline is effecting many farmers
  • Not only farmers but also Native Americans are effected
Photo by shanestar


  • Farmers are effected by this pipeline
  • They are effected because the pipeline takes up there land
  • Oil spills ruin there agriculture
  • Effected agriculture ruins crops and money income for farmers


  • Many Native Americans land is effected by abuse and the enviorment
  • There land is taken from them so the pipeline could be made
  • Oil spills desttroy their sacred land
  • They hunt in the land up north where the pipeline was made
  • The animals are effected due to the oil spills which effects there hunting
Photo by fabiogis50


  • Many animals are effected by the Keystone Pipeline
  • Some species of animals are now endangered such as Northern quail and sambar deer
  • The pipeline will only cause the population to decrease
  • The animals being effected are also effecting the people like Natives
Photo by paalia


  • The keystone pipeline creates many more jobs for American workers
  • Also it helps Transcanada and helps Americans and Canadians oil supplies
  • It creates great income for both the countries to and saves a lot more money
  • There are also future plans for the Pipeline to extend into Oklahoma
  • This would create higher income and more jobs for the state of Oklahoma
Photo by theqspeaks


  • Some future ideas for the keystone pipeline should be how to help the enviorment and people effected
  • So we believe they should try to rebuild a new pipeline that isnt harmful to the enviorment
  • We believe that the U.S should look into how to help Native Americans and protect their sacred land
  • We believe the U.S should try to help all the endangered species that are harmed by the oil spills
  • And lastly we believe they should rebuild and give the farmers back their land that they had first