2. Ask to play a mini game: Explore the secret of Winston tattoo code on their body. Example: Hidden tattoo can only view with LED or neon light. This code is “ I love Winston”.
3. After playing game, DTC will light up cigarette while photographers will capture all these moments between Kols & Tattoo artists.
1. Host will announce that its time to find out the winner. Host teases about the prize, how exciting American free-style and real home of Winston. Then he guides how to become a winner.
2. All the light turn off, making curious and excited atmosphere.
3. All guests whom got their tattoo done during the party will show their tattoo on stage. Host will pick the winner.
1. The winner will tell more about his personal life story and his KHAT VONG story. 2. Host will announce the GRAND PRIZE. 3. Showing a video clip about Winston Eagle and how valuable this prize to the winner.