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Killer Protists

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • Plasmodium is a protist that causes malaria.
  • Malaria kills around 2.1 million people a year and infects 550 million.
  • Symptoms include: loss of appetite, extreme fever, vomiting, and headache.
  • Exists mainly in Afirca and South America.
  • Spread by mosquitos and exists in the blood stream. Eventually it clogs the blood and kills blood cells.
Photo by shinealight


  • Commonly is Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Symptoms: Fever pain, in joints and uncontrolled sleepiness.
  • Finally the protist will infect your nervous cause confusion and death.
  • Spreads when you are bitten by a tsetse fly.
  • Also known as African Sleeping Sickness.
Photo by euthman


  • Is found in contaminated water.
  • Causes diarrhea, extreme cramps, blood in urine and vomiting.
  • Exists in the digestive tract.
  • Steals bodies nutrients and eventually can kill.
  • Infecting 200 million world wide.

Entamoeba histolytica

  • Causes Amoebic Dysentery which is spread through contaminated water.
  • Lives in the intestines and causes painful cysts, diarrhea and infection.
  • Effects travelers in foreign countries, that don't have an immunity to it.
  • Reproduces extremely fast and is mainly in third world countries.
  • Will die if it ends up in the stomach.