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Killing centers

Published on Nov 24, 2015



Death of the jews

How the Nazi's killed the "inferiors".
Photo by Michael Dawes

They rounded them up.

  • 3.35 million Jews that lived in Poland at the time
  • The Jewish children were accepted at school. 
  • That changed when the Nazis came
  • Mostly all the Jews had to march to the ghettos
  • Most of them got sick and died, and some were shot
Photo by woody1778a


  • Some children survived the march 
  • Some went to the Lublin District camp
  • It had typhus and TB and over 50,000 Jews died
  • The Lublin District later became a center for mass killing
Photo by otisarchives4


  • Some of the Jews weren't caught in the first roundups
  • Execution squads swept through Poland
  • Some were killed by pistol, rifle and machine gun
  • The able body males were used as slaves.
  • The woman and children marched off to be shot.

They tested on them

  • At first, they were shot, but that wasn't efficient enough for the Nazis.
  • The Nazis tested explosives on mentally ill people in locked chambers.
  • 25 were once killed in one experiment.
  • It was too messy, so they ruled that way of efficiently killing.
  • After that, they attached pipes in rooms to exhaust pipes to vans 
Photo by CherryPoint


  • After they added another van, death followed
  • This sparked the idea for gas vans
  • Gas vans had there pipes attached to the back, were the Jews were put.
  • When they started the van, the carbon monoxide was sent to the back.
  • This killed the Jews due to C0 poisoning. It took 20-30 minutes to kill.
Photo by Theen ...


  • Gas vans were later ruled out in a meeting because it was too slow to kill.
  • There was also another result of that meeting
  • Industry, transportation networks, the army, and the police set out to kill
  • This genocide almost wiped out an entire people. 
Photo by fung.leo


  • These killings were to kill Adolph's inferiors
  • The forces were ruthless, killing anybody in its way
  • They rounded up and killed most of the Polish Jews
  • They used the victims as experiments, to test explosives and gas.
  • It is horrible why they almost killed an entire people, with no reason why.
Photo by Jonas Hansel


  • Gottfried, Ted. "The Killing Ground." Children Of The Slaughter (2001): 47.      Book Collection Nonfiction: High School Edition. Web. 12 Feb. 2014.
  • Gottfried, Ted. "The Final Solution." Nazi Germany (2000): 86. Book Collection      Nonfiction: High School Edition. Web. 20 Feb. 2014
Photo by quinn.anya