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Kings of Rome

Published on Aug 07, 2016

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Kings of Rome

Zaykees Curry



  • Was the son of mars
  • Killed his brother
  • Nursed by a she wolf.
  • Raised by a man named Faustulus
  • Founded Rome

Numa pompilius


  • Built the temple of Janus
  • Served after having been picked by the Romans
  • Credited with establishing religion
  • Calendar reform which moved from 10 months to 12
  • Credited with establishing the boundaries of Rome

tulliius hostilius


  • Was a peaceful place
  • Defeated the Albans
  • Destroyed Alba Longa
  • Turned to religion after being struck by the plague

ancus marcius


  • Defreated the old latins
  • Is credited with establishing the port ostia
  • Added the Aventine and Janniculum hills by fortifying them
  • Building the first aqueduct

Tarquinius priscus


  • Was an Etruscan
  • was a friend of Ancus Marcius
  • Was considered very honest
  • Defeated the sabines
  • Was assassinated by the sons of Ancus Marcius

servius tullius


  • Married to Tanaquils daughter
  • he established that a citizens tribe is determined by where they loved and not family or amount of property
  • he added the Quirinal, Viminal and Eswuiline hills to Rome
  • he is credited with building the temple of diana
  • He is credited with the first walls

tarquinius superbus


  • Was married to Tullia
  • went to the senate claiming that Servius was just a slave
  • made Rome the head of the latin league
  • built the Cloaca Maxima
  • Built the Temple of lupiter Capitolinus which became the religious focal point