Which Cultural group were the Kiowas a part of?
They were native Texans of the plains an migrated here around the 18th to 19th century
How long were they in Texas ?
They arrived sometime in the 1800s to escape from enemies and some are still here till present day
Kiowas food?
They were hunters and gatherers and hunted for mostly buffalo, bison, wild turkey, longhorn cattle and more
Kiowas Shelter
The Kiowa's shelter was like most of the other Native Americans. The Kiowas stayed in tee-pees made of buffalo skin. The tee-pees were foldable to be easy to transport and usualy 12-24 feet high.
Kiowa's Clothing
Kiowa women wore long deerskin dresses painted with yellow and green tribal designs.. Kiowa men wore breech cloths and leather leggings, and usually went shirtless. The Kiowas wore moccasins on their feet, and in cold weather, they wore long buffalo-hide robes.
Kiowa Hunters & Gatherers
They mostly hunted hunted for mostly buffalo, bison, wild turkey, longhorn cattle, and traded with neighbors
What Did Kiowas Do For Fun!
Kiowa children played with wooden dolls or buffalo dolls made with skin or used to throw rocks in the air and tried to catch them and loved to watch their parents and help! And adults cleaned the tee-pees and hunted and practiced
Kiowa's Environment
They were natives of the plains so their environment has a lot of buffalo, fertile soil all though they didn't farm, lots of trees and they had large hunting grounds
Kiowa facts
1- Kiowa tools are small and portable, reflecting their need to move freely without an excess of baggage, and are made with materials present in the Great Plains environment
2-Today Kiowa is an endangered language because most children aren't learning it anymore. However, some Kiowa people are working to keep their language alive.
3- The Kiowa had a very scared "medicine bundle" (called the Taime) which was used in the Sun Dance Ritual and still exist bun haven't been performed since 1887
Why do you think the Kiowa did performed They Sun Dance Taime?
A. To worship the sun
B. To gain health, heal, and self-renewal
C. Ask the god of the sun for more crops
D. Just for fun