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La Nina and El Nino

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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La Nina and El Nino

By: Blake Summers and Morgan Yelverton 
Photo by rasears

La Nina

As stated in the National Geographic Magazine, La Nina is the cooling affect in the Pacific Ocean.

El Nino

As stated in the National Geographic Magazine, El Nino is the warming of water in the Pacific Ocean.

Effects of La Nina

  • Snow and Rain on the West Coast
  • Drought in the Southwest
  • Unusually warm weather in the rest of the USA
  • Flooding in Indonesia, Queensland, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Brazil.

Effects of El Nino

  • Rain and flooding along the Pacific Ocean
  • Warm water disrupts the food chain such as fish, birds, and sea mammals
  • Tornadoes and thunder storms occur in the Southern USA
  • Droughts in Australia

Journal Prompt
If you were to teach someone about El Nino and La Nina, how would you explain it?
(Minimum of three paragraphs!)