My personality:
Curious, adventurous, innovative, passionate, charismatic, logistics, technopath
I am not your typical environmentalist. I am not outdoorsy, I don't subscribe to the whole camping concept and I am definitely not an animal lover. When I go on hikes, i double check to make sure the area has wifi. - so what makes me so passionate about environmental matters?
Story time
When I was younger, I had a bit of a spiritual relationship with the environment. I felt like I was in the presence of God when I was surrounded by trees and nature. I was a bookworm, so I would always be reading outside, underneath or on a tree, then when I fell in love with computers, tablets, portable DVD players, then I switched. I would drag a chair to the middle of a forest and watch movies/TV shows that I had downloaded.
Deforestation was becoming a rampant issue in Uganda, where I was living at the time, and it broke my heart to see the trees being cut down - I felt like they were hurting the Earth.
All that being said though - I did not identify with environmental activists. To me, they all fit a certain mold that I did not. A lot advocated for conservation, which did not make sense to me given that we too have to use the land. Many were outdoorsy, had the same style of dressing, and their arguments/ideas were purely emotional and did not retain a strong grounding in logic.
Compare the way andrianna and i experienced china - tie that into how everyone's idea of nature is unique to them
Then I went to university and took an environmental course for fun and came accross this: