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Lajna Ima'illah Pledge

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Love for All Hatred for None

By: Sadaf Khan

We present our slogan of ‘love for all hatred for none’ before others. Why?

We do so to remove the misunderstanding that the Ahmadiyya Jama’at and its members have rancour or ill-will towards others or that we consider ourselves better than others. We also use this slogan to make it clear to the world that Islam teaches love, peace and kindness and it is not correct to associate cruelty and viciousness with the faith of Islam.

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When we serve humanity in any way at all or when we disseminate the message of Islam (Tabligh) we do so because we have love for every person in the world and we wish to remove hatred from each heart and instead sow the seeds of love.

What was it that the people of that time did not believe in which agonized the Holy Prophet (saw)?

Photo by Werner Kunz

They did not believe in desisting from associating partners with God, in making man the son of God. Shirk or associating partners with God is a sin which God has called unpardonable. It is love and compassion for every human being, even for an idolater, with which one makes practical effort to bring them to the right path and also pray for them.

Photo by Collin Key

An example of this is when the people of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) exceeded all limits in their cruelty and oppression towards him, rather than pray against them, he raised his hands to pray to God and prayed for them to be guided.

Photo by pictalogue

We should not feel smug by merely raising slogans that the world appreciates and through which we are praised in various places. We should be mindful that this slogan is just one source to attain the broader objective for which man was created. What is this objective?

Our humanitarian works, our promotion and practice of love and our rejection of hatred and our hatred for hatred itself is to attain God’s love and to establish Unity of God. The Promised Messiah (AS) said: "There are two perfect parts of faith; one is to love God and the other is to love mankind to such an extent that one considers its difficulties one’s own difficulties and to pray for it."

He also said: "Compassion and sympathy with humanity is a great form of worship and is a tremendous source to gain pleasure of Allah the Exalted.’ He also said: ‘Allah the Exalted states, be sympathetic to people regardless of faith and ethnicity. Feed the poor, free slaves, and relieve those in debt and support those under burdens and pay the dues of true compassion with humanity."

Photo by ecstaticist

The Promised Messiah (AS) said: "I do not like the words of those who limit their compassion to ___. I advise you again and again to never ever restrict your sphere of compassion."

Photo by nosha

The Promised Messiah (AS) said: "I do not like the words of those who limit their compassion to their own ethnicity. I advise you again and again to never ever restrict your sphere of compassion."

Photo by peasap

He also said: "You should extend compassion to God’s creation as if you are their blood relative, just like mothers are with their children. One who does good with natural passion like that of a mother can never be ostentatious."

Photo by wazari

Is "Love for all, Hatred for None" our ultimate objective?

No, "Love for All, Hatred for None" is not our ultimate objective; rather, it is a means to end; to attain God’s love.

Photo by Philerooski

Huzoor wanted to tell the workers and management of all the branches of Humanity First everywhere, with the odd exception, that most of whom are Ahmadis that their work will be blessed when what?

Photo by angela7dreams

When they will forge a strong bond with God and will try to aim their work to seek God’s blessings and will start their work with prayers. Without this none of our works can be blessed no matter how much intelligent planning is done.

Photo by Luke,Ma

Should we think that abiding by this slogan is attaining our objective?

Photo by transposition

We should not think that abiding by this slogan is attaining our objective. This slogan is in fact a means to an end, the end being the objective of our life. It is a stepping stone towards the objective for which the advent of the Holy Prophet (SAW) took place and then in his subservience the Promised Messiah (AS) was sent by God in the current age to attain the objective. And that objective is to instil true insight into Unity of God and to try and practice all of God’s commandments. To make the blessed model of the Holy Prophet (SAW) one’s objective and try one’s level best to attain it for it alone leads to attainment of all kinds of high morals and virtues.

There were two eminent individuals one of whom had proposed that our motto should be ‘…vie, then, with one another in good works…’ (2:149) while the other said our motto should be: what?

Photo by Luigi_Alesi

"I shall give precedence to faith over worldly matters."

Photo by overgraeme

Hazrat Musleh Maud (RA) said that some mottos are inter-connected. For example the mottos ‘obey God’ and ‘advance in virtues’ are interdependent because obedience of God is not possible without advancing in virtues and one who is not virtuous cannot be obedient to God. Similarly the mottos ‘I shall give precedence to faith over worldly matters’ and ‘I shall try and excel in good works’ are congruous and inter-linked. Huzoor said our objectives are most extensive. Similarly compassion for creation is not everything; if remembrance of God is missing from hearts then it is of no benefit.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (RA) wrote that when he read the articles [about the proposed mottos] he was reminded of an account of a Jew who told Hazrat Umer (RA) what?

Photo by ecstaticist

That he felt great envy towards Muslims because there was nothing in the world that was not included in Islamic commandments, and was not in the Holy Qur’an. It has everything from personal matters to matters of international significance and their resolutions.If this is kept in view, it is quite evident that in Islam it is not correct to choose any one thing as a motto. There is no teaching in the Holy Qur’an that cannot be made a motto; whatever one looks at draws one’s heart to it.

Photo by kevin dooley

Every verse of the Holy Qur’an should be our motto, as indeed it is. Our motto is the entire Holy Qur’an, however, if another motto is required, Hazrat Musleh Maud (RA) said God has appointed it through the Holy Prophet (SAW) and it is:

لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

(There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is His Messenger).

Photo by Piero...

Those who do not understand Unity of God by being devoted to the Holy Prophet (SAW) remain embroiled in shirk (associating partners with Allah) in spite of being intelligent.

Photo by joiseyshowaa

How did Holy Prophet find out that Hazrat Isa (AS) had died a natural death and it was shirk to consider him alive?

Photo by Zach Dischner

It was through his complete devotion to the Holy Prophet (SAW) that the Promised Messiah (AS) found that Hazrat Isa (AS) had died a natural death and it was shirk to consider him alive.

Photo by VinothChandar

It was the Promised Messiah (AS) alone who showed people of this age the manifestation of لا الہ الا اللہ and this alone is the essence of Islam and which should be accepted by each such person who completely believes in the Unity of God.

It should be remembered that all Quranic commandments are excellent and beneficial in their own right but لا الہ الا اللہ is dominant over them all. This is the real motto which we need to keep in sight at all times and we need to reflect over the need for Unity of God and its establishment.

Photo by 1D110

Whenever a person becomes reliant on some worldly means what happens?

He commits shirk and his claim to be a believer in Unity of God is negated because Unity of God necessitates that man is only reliant on God. The very meaning of Unity of God is that man looks up to the One God alone in everything, be it spiritual or temporal. In order to be a perfect believer in Unity of God, it is essential that everything apart from God is invalidated for him. Thus, the real motto is

لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

in which are all virtues and it also gives the resolutions to any problem in understanding Unity of God.

Photo by Matt. Create.

Through abiding by Unity of God high morals, knowledge, culture, politics and excellence in other arts are instilled in man because the light of God is an antidote to all ailments. Thus, our motto which is appointed by God is لا الہ الا اللہ (There is none worthy of worship except Allah) the rest are all details which can be useful as advice.

Photo by Costa1973

Dajjal is evident in full force in this age and his objective is to _______, therefore it is our task to raise the slogan of _______ in response.

Dajjal is evident in full force in this age and his objective is to give precedence to worldly matters over faith, therefore it is our task to raise the slogan of giving precedence to faith over worldly matters in response.

Photo by szeke

It is the duty of our Jama’at to ever keep the motto of لا الہ الا اللہ in sight. Today shirk and atheism is spreading fast and we cannot adorn our life in this world and the Hereafter by restricting ourselves to one motto. We cannot also abandon our worship and Salat in our presumption to serve humanity. Whoever does this has nothing to do with the Promised Messiah.

Photo by blmiers2

We need to have our real objective and motto in sight so that we may be the recipients of worldly as well as spiritual blessings. May God enable us all to understand this!


The End

Photo by Neal.