A simple sentence consists of one independent clause.An independent clause contains a subject and a predicates nod expresses a complete thought.example:Some students walk to school every morning.
A compound sentence contains two or more I.C.(independent clauses)that are connected by a comma and a coordinating conjunction(for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so).A semicolon may be used instead of a comma and FANBOYS.Example:The teachers at granite oaks are friendly, and they know how to help students.
A complex sentence consists of an I.C. And one or more D,C(dependent clauses).using a subordinating conjunction(because,although,if,when,since,while,after etc.)creates a D.C.using a relative pronoun(who whom that or which)creates a D.C. Examples: the teacher who often wore bright shirtss is really not weird..
A compound-complex sentence contains at least two I.C joined by FANBOYSand a comma,and at least on D.C.Example:After being in the hospital with a broken finger, John thought the only good news was that he wouldn't have to write anymore in his English class,but he quickly realized the injury was not on his writing hand.