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Land Fills

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Land Fills

By: Patrick, Alex and Dylan

400 Million tons.

"I had always suspected that one could build an entire house from what went into the landfill, and, sure enough, it's true."


Are the #1 Cause

Humans Benefit

The Earth Becomes Polluted

Land Fills Negatively

Impact the Globe

We Are Running

Out of Land Fill Space

They Destroy Ecosystems

And Damage Animal Homes



Take the dreams I once voiced so fondly
Take them and smash them to dust
Take those moments my heart was pounding
Take them for I know you must

Sweep them under the rug and forget them
Sweep them away without a thought
Sweep them so far I won't be tempted
Sweep them away like you were taught


To Landfills


Have Implemented Composts Into Their Lives


Need To Start Recycling

My Experience

Composting - Why Should You?

We Need

To Protect Our World