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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Glaciers are piles of snow that (over years) compresses into large ice masses.

Photo by Aztlek

A plateau is an area of really high ground.

Sand Dunes are made by wind and water flowing. It is NOT smooth.

Photo by cobalt123

Erosion is caused by wind, water, and other natural elements. Like a rock being worn down by wind.

Photo by Al_HikesAZ

Deltas are made from deposition of sediment carried by a river.

Weathering is the process of wearing away which makes the appearance of the object and the texture of the object different.

A U-shaped valley or glacial trough is made in a process called glaciation.

Photo by cedartree_13

A canyon is a deep gorge with sometimes a river flowing through it.

Deposition is the process of adding sediments, soil and rocks to a landform.

A V- shaped valley is formed by flowing waters like rivers. The shape will depend on how the water is flowing.