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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By: Ishan Bansal

Sea: A large body of water, partly or completely enclosed by land.

Desert: Arid land

Strait: A narrow channel of the sea, joining two larger bodies of water.

Tributary: A body of water that flows into a larger body of water.

Photo by Travis S.

Mountain Range: A long chain or group of mountains.

Photo by SamHawleywood

Tundra: A treeless plain in the artic or subartic regions.

Ocean: Very large body of salt water.

Atoll: A ring-shaped coral reef or string of coral islands.

Photo by IUCNweb

Lagoon: Shallow body or pond near a larger body of water.

Valley: Low areas that seperate mountains and hills.

Photo by Kay Gaensler

Oasis: Fertile or green area surrounded by arid land.

Glacier: A large body of slow moving ice.