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Language, Diction

Published on Dec 12, 2015

wuthering heights IOP


Wuthering Heights

Photo by lovelornpoets

What is an accent?

  • A way of pronouncing words
  • An indicator of setting
  • A unique human attribute

Yorkshire Accent

Can you understand it?

when daddy gets home... t shirt... trousers... monkey... watch...

Our inability to interpret accents

affects our understanding

Accents are difficult to change
They characterize a person

"There's nobbut t' missis; and shoo'll not oppen 't an ye mak' yer flaysome dins till neeght" (Bronte, 7).

"There's nobody but the mistress, and she'll not open it for you if you make your frightening din [noise] till night."

Why does Joseph have such a strong accent?

Photo by kevin dooley

Emily Bronte wants to differentiate Joseph

What is diction?

  • An author's word choice and style
  • Literary embodiment of an accent
  • Unique to each author

"He's noan feared o' t' bench o' judges, norther Paul, nur Peter, nur John, nur Matthew, nor noan on 'em, not he! He fair likes—he langs to set his brazened face agean 'em!" (Bronte, 95).

He's not worried about the bench of judges, neither Paul, nor Peter, nor John, nor Matthew, not any of them. He doesn't care—he longs to set his defiant face against them!

What does Joseph's diction say about him as a character?

Photo by Marc Wathieu


Radical, stubborn and blatantly honest

We have the ability to adjust our diction according to the situation.

Bronte defines Joseph as a ruthless character.

Photo by Forest Runner

Music and Song Lyrics

You're just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life,
You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your mother's eyes,
I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gentle as I can,
But for now you're scan of my unmade plans,
A small bump in four months you're brought to life

Ed Sheeran is talking to his future child still in the womb.

"Th' divil's harried off his soul,' he cried, 'and he may hev' his carcass into t' bargin, for aught I care! Ech! what a wicked 'un he looks, girning at death!' and the old sinner grinned in mockery" (Bronte, 306).

The Devils's carried off his soul,' he cried, 'and he may have his carcass into the bargain for all I care! Ech! what a wicked one he looks, grinning at death!' and the old sinner grinned in mockery.

What can we summarize about joseph?

  • bitter
  • angry
  • rude

Bronte uses Joseph's colloquial diction

  • to highlight discrimination
  • to distinguish between social classes

Treated differently because of his accent

no one makes an  effort to understand him

Northern UK vs Southern UK

social and economic status


is Joseph simply misunderstood?

Lost in translation

even in English!

1. Bronte's purposeful use of

Joseph's colloquial diction

2. The possibility of misunderstanding

even in our mother tongue of English

We try our best to interpret what people say...
but do we really get the message?


Do we ever grasp the full message?

Will you be able to sleep at night???
Photo by kevin dooley


Photo by sylvar

Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon the absolute truth.

