The equipment needed are an empty milk can or just simply any kind of can or bottle, and a slipper or a piece of flat stone as a pamato for each player. To make the game enjoyable and exciting, there should be no more than 9 players. One player guards the milk can (the IT) while the others stay behind the toe-line with their pamatos. The object is for the players to hit and knock down the milk can with the pamato, and for the IT to put back the can inside a small circle a few meters away from the toe-line. When a player is tagged while recovering his pamato, he becomes the IT.
One player crouches while the other players jump over him/her. The crouching player gradually stands up as the game progresses, making it harder for the other players to jump over him/her. A person becomes the "it" when they touch the 'baka' as they jump. It will repeat again and again until the players declare the player or until the players decide to stop the game. It is the Filipino version of leap frog.