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Latin America

Published on Nov 18, 2015

ean report





  • Brazil's main religon is roman catholic
  • Brazil's main language is portuguese
  • One of Brazil's main holidays is lovers' day on June 12
  • Brazil is mostly famous for soccer
  • Samba and Bossa Nova are the most famous forms of music

  • Brazil was colonized by Portugal
  • Gained independence on September 7, 1822
  • Guerrilla warfare groups
  • Brazil is not part of N.A.F.T.A.
  • Brazil's main exports are flowers,oil,& coffee
Photo by Andre Maceira

  • Brazil is located in South America
  • The capital of Brazil is Brizilia
  • It is the #1 home of the Amazon river/rain forest
  • The fifth largest country in the world takes up %50 of South America
  • Brazil's resources are mainly made up of minerals,iron ore,&tin


  • The main religion in Colombia is roman catholic
  • Spanish is there official language
  • Colombia is very famous for their music and dance
  • Colombia's main holiday is Barranquilla's Carnival
  • Bandeja Paisa is the traditional meal of Columbia

  • Colonized by spain
  • Independence day July 20, 1810
  • Guerrilla warfare
  • Colombia is not part of N.A.F.T.A
  • Colombias main exports are coffee & flowers

  • The capital of Colombia is Bogota
  • Andes mtn. form most populated region of Colombia
  • It also has the Cordillera Oriental Mountains
  • Agriculture-coffee & flowers
  • Exports-Coffee,oil & flowers
Photo by SEDACMaps