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Latin America

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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latin america

(Brazil and Chile) 

Social Structure/Wealth 

what social groups (Classes) exist in the region?

  • Upper
  • Middle
  • Lower

is wealth concentrated or more evenly spread out?


Fashion, Literature, ARt, And music

what are their fashions, literature, art, and music like?

  • Colorful art and fashion
  • Literature: written in Portuguese
  • Music: Samba & Pagode, Bassa Nova, Cueca 

who are some of the important artists in the region?

  • Anita Malfatti
  • Anita Malfatti
  • Tarsila Do Amaral
  • Tarsila Do Amaral
  • Roberto Mata
  • Roberto Mata
  • Rebeca Matte
  • Rebeca Matte


How do people educate their young?

  • Most children attend primary school
  • Access to secondary school has increased 

What do children learn at home or at school?

Land use

How is land owned and shared?

Land Reform. 

Is land used for farming, livestock, or manufacturing?

Farming, forest, and woodland.

Trading networks

What kinds of goods and services do people exchange? 

Food and Animals. 

What items do they trade with those outside the region? 

Food and animals.


What are the main minority groups in the region? 

  • Metizo (European & Indian)
  • Mulatto (European & Africa) 

How equally are men and women treated? 

Women still face economic and political challenges including lower pay.