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Latin Deponents

Published on Jan 11, 2016

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Latin Deponents

Teddy Trent

Deponent Verbs

  • These verbs put aside their active endings (always passive)
  • The principe parts are how you tell
  • Deponent verbs only have three principle parts
  • Ex. loquor, loqui, locutus sum


  • Look at 2nd p.p. to find conjugation
  • -ari = 1st
  • -eri = 2nd
  • -i = 3rd
  • -iri = 4th

3rd -io

  • 1st p.p. is used in determining conjugation
  • to be 3rd -io, the 2nd p.p. ends in -i
  • 1st p.p. ends in -ior


  • Take the 2nd p.p., drop -i, and add passive endings
  • This is only in 1st, 2nd, and 4th conjugation
  • Ex. Conor, conari, conatus sum
  • Conor, conaris, conatur, conamur, conamini, conantur
  • Translated actively

3rd conjugation formation

  • 2nd person singular: drop -i, add -e, add endings
  • 3rd sing - 2nd plu: add endings right to 2nd p.p.
  • 3rd plu: drop -i, add -u, add endings
  • Ex. Loquor, loqui, locutus sum
  • Loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquimini, loquuntur

Examples of deponents

  • Conor, conari, conatus sum - to try
  • Vereor, vereri, veritus sum - to fear
  • Loquor, loqui, locitus sum - to talk
  • Regredior, regredi, regressus sum - to return
  • Experior, experiri, expertus sum - to test


  • Take stem
  • add -ba
  • add passive endings
  • Ex. verebatur

Future (1st and 2nd conj.)

  • Take stem
  • add -bo -bi -bu
  • add passive endings
  • Ex. verebitur

Future (3rd and 4th conj.)

  • Take stem
  • add -a or -e
  • add passive endings
  • Ex. experiam


  • 3rd p.p. already has "sum"
  • continue with forms of "sum" (sum, es, est, etc.)
  • Ex. Veritus est


  • 3rd p.p.
  • Instead of (sum, es, est) use (eram, eras, erat)
  • Ex. Veritus eram

Future perfect

  • 3rd p.p.
  • instead of sum, use ero, eris, erit, etc.
  • Ex. veritus eris


  • I chose deponents because I understand them very well.
  • When we first learned these verbs, they came to me easily.
  • I chose this topic because I feel that if I understand it,
  • then it is easy for me to make others understand it also.

The End