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Latin Timeline

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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752 BC

  • Latins move into Italy
  • Theses people will lay the foundation for the new Roman Empire

753 BC

  • Traditional founding date of Rome
  • The beginning of Rome, Romulus kills Remus

715 BC

  • Roman Senate created
  • This will serve as the main official governing source of Rome for many years.
Photo by bjackrian

673 BC

  • Tullius Hostilis comes to power
  • He will reign for 31 years
Photo by thisisbossi

642 BC

  • Ancus Marcius comes to power.
  • He will rule for 26 years
Photo by mharrsch

616 BC

  • Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
  • He ruled for 37 years
Photo by chijanofuji

578 BC

  • Servius Tullius defines the sacred boundaries of Rome
  • This marked the map definition of the Roman Empire

534 BC

  • King Superbus builds the Temple of Jupiter
  • One of the most famous temples in history

509 BC

  • Expulsion of Emperor Superbus
  • First expulsion of a Roman leader in Roman history
Photo by marsmet542

504 BC

  • High Roman consuls grant due process to all Roman citizens
  • First right in Roman history given out

501 BC

  • Roma offices of Dictator and man of horse created
  • These new offices grant more power to the Roman government
Photo by Anita363

496 BC

  • Romans defeat Leono and Phippy
  • This went down as the battle of Regilus

471 BC

  • Plebeians allowed to organize by tribe, reorganization of Plebeian Council from Curia to Tribe.
  • This marks the first time that plebeians are recognized by the government

459 BC

  • Plebeians allowed to organize by tribe, reorganization of Plebeian Council from Curia to Tribe.
  • Now more than ever lower class Romans are given representation
Photo by hdes.copeland

445 BC

  • Marriage between patricians and plebeians legalized
  • Upper class and commoners were never allowed to marry before this legalization

421 BC

  • Number of quaestors raised from 2 to 4
  • It was opened to plebeians so now they can receive more representation

396 BC

  • Romans sack Etruscan city of Veil
  • Marks another point in Roman history of expanding the empire into Etruscan territory
Photo by mharrsch

390 BC

  • Gauls sack Rome
  • Marks first time in Roman history where Rome is plundered
Photo by **Mary**

375-371 BC

  • Anarchy years
  • This period of time where no government decisions were made
Photo by My Hourglass

343 BC

  • Romans capture Campania and Capua
  • This marks another huge gain for the Roman Empire
Photo by der_stulle