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Slide Notes

Thank you madame toastmaster and good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

What makes us laugh?

What creates that tickle in the brain to elicit that funny reaction--laughter. Laughter that comes in all shapes and sizes, from the full belly laugh to the silent body roll and everything in between.

Is it as simple as a funny point like this:

Laughter is the best medicine

Simple, beautiful, flexible presentation template to share a collection of inspirational quotes. Ideas: embed in blog or website, upload to Slideshare, pin individual slides to Pinterest.


Just one, F-O-U-R letter word

Reema Jweied-Guegel
Thank you madame toastmaster and good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

What makes us laugh?

What creates that tickle in the brain to elicit that funny reaction--laughter. Laughter that comes in all shapes and sizes, from the full belly laugh to the silent body roll and everything in between.

Is it as simple as a funny point like this:
Photo by popofatticus

Have you ever needed one perfect phrase to encapsulate everything you want to say?

Or perhaps something even more clever that uses more than average intelligence to make you laugh, like this?
Photo by rcbodden

What about

just one word....
Photo by Toastwife

A word that can convey

everything...no matter what
or this
Photo by Kalexanderson


For me, it's as simple as thinking up ways to use a simple four letter word.


not an expletive
No....not an explitive
Photo by World of Oddy


something less offensive and perfect to use almost anywhere

Dude, as in the Dude abides....

Think about it
This dude abides, but how about dude as in saying hello:


as in hello
Right? It totally fits here.

Or how about when you think you hear something in your house, like this:
Photo by Moriartys


as in: is that you in hiding in my closet with a knife?
Yes, Dude is pretty useful.

It can also be used when you are so sorry about a circumstance....


as in: that blows
Or, it can also be used when something, or someone is really awesome...
Photo by Owen H R


as in: everything is awesome!
Well, at least this guy thinks he's awesome, not sure if I completely agree, perhaps he's awesome in the sense of crazy.

which also leads me to the use of the word when you're stuck in a sticky situation and don't know what to do....
Photo by Trev Grant


as in: "...where is Luke when you need him?"
Let's practice, everyone say dude with me when you think there's something to be sad about
Photo by simononly

It works perfectly

everywhere, anytime, all the time.  Test me....
Photo by [ henning ]

now let's try it together

Photo by Dunechaser

Sad Dude

Now let's try it when there something to be excited about.
Photo by Kalexanderson

Relieved Dude

Ok, one more????

How about you ask me, and I will do it for you?

Now that we have practiced the practical uses of the word dude, I challenge you to all use it today in a sentence with anyone. Let me know how it goes--it would be great if this went viral across USP for no reason except this moment.

I can't take full credit for folks that already use it in their everyday vernacular--we all know a few--but I can safely say that it is not many of us that usually use it.

and the moral of this story is for us all to remember....
Photo by Jason Michael

Excited Dude

Let's do one more....

How about relieved?

Happy Dude...as in a chemically induced state of happiness

Photo by naserke

Dude, just remember

Photo by Si-MOCs

any time...any place

you are crazy....

in any situation

Laughter is the best medicine
Photo by Stéfan

Dude is a word

that easily adapts...always.

Thank you

Thank you
Photo by Pedro Vezini

Reema Jweied-Guegel

Haiku Deck Pro User