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Laura Mulvey

Published on Jun 05, 2017

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Laura Mulvey

analysis of music videos

Puts the audience in the perspective of a heterosexual male.

Shots tend to focus on a female character/ artists figure or present her as a potential love interest. They are often seen as an object to the males.

Mulvey believed that this was because of the patriarchal society (where there is a male dominance or supremacy)

She also argues that because of the common use of the male gaze, women now see other women through the gaze and objectify each other.

Objectification of females is more and more common as it has begun to play a large role in the conventions of specific genres and motifs for some artists.

Mulvey said there is two many types of women seen in media:
1. "Virginal Character" who is portrayed as innocent.
2. "Sexy whore" who is focused on in a sexual way.

Mulvey's theory is mostly evident in Hip Hop, Rap and R&B videos in particular.


In this shot the artist wears red lipstick which has sexual connotations and is a common way of conforming to Mulvey's theory. In addition the visability of her tongue emphasises this.

In addition, Miley Cyrus is known for her provocative dancing within videos where she performs moves crafted to emphasise her assets.

This female also has red tinted lips as well as red high heels which once again plays on the conventions of the colour red.

In this shot in particular the male character can be seen clearly staring at her breasts which shows how she is viewed as a sexual object.

In addition, the pan used shortly after places the audience in the male's perspective as he is seen looking her up and down.

This video shows the audience the point of view of a hetrosexual male as it shows a female laying beside the camera on a bed.

This implies they have slept together which highlights her as a sexual object in the males perspective.