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lawn boy

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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lawn boy

written by:Gary. Paulsen  book report  by:Cheryl.Roe

characterization slide 1

  • a lawn mower??
  • this shows he doesn't want a lawn mower for his birthday.. 
Photo by Thomas Hawk

characterization slide 2

  • I was getting from thirty to forty dollars a day
  • this shows that he's happy that he got a lawn mower for his birthday 

charactization slide 3

  • I've been mowing a lot of lawns i have fifty thousand. 
  • this quote shows that he is happy that he has money for his family
Photo by Great Beyond

theme slide 1

  • the theme is that things come out of no where in life.  
  • quote 1 a mower???
  • this quote shows that he is surprised to get a mower.

theme slide 2

  • theme is middle is that even though you have a little you can do a lot.  
  • quote 2 just enough for gas for the mower. 

theme slide 3

  • the theme is that things might look bad it will be okay. 
  • quote 3 without  telling them to sit down i gave them Arnold's news. 
Photo by Nanagyei

vocab slide 1

  • experimental - relating to or based on experience.
  • quote - my mom is a teacher in an experimental school.
Photo by Vermin Inc

vocab 2

  • bulldozer - one that bulldozes.
  • quote - it steered with two levers like a very small bulldozer.
Photo by Mr. Physics

vocab 3

  • employer - one boss that employs some one. 
  • quote - a responsible employer should set aside his income

authors purpose slide 1

  • the authors purpose is to entertain the reader.
  • Gary Paulson shows that this book is bias  
Photo by Amir Kuckovic

summary slide 1

  • who - lawn boy
  • what - this book is about a boy that gets a lawn -
  • mower for his birthday
  • where - out side 
  • when - in modern times
Photo by zenera

summary slide 2

  • why - to entertain 
Photo by kevin dooley

i recommend this book if you like interesting

books like this!!!!...
Photo by betta design

the end....!!!!!!!!

Photo by Toastwife