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layers of the atmosphere

Published on Mar 29, 2016

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Layers of the atmosphere

Brodie Longo
Photo by John-Morgan

there are 6 layers of the atmosphere that we know of


  • The lowest layer in the atmosphere is the troposphere
  • The troposphere contains all of the atmosphere's mass
  • Contains most of the gasses present in the atmosphere
Photo by Ken Lund


  • thev second lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere
  • The stratosphere contains the ozone layer
  • the ozone absorbs the ultraviolite lights


  • The outermost layer of the atmosphere
  • the thermosphere extends from 80 km above earths surface to outer space
  • it has no definate height


  • the layer of the earths atmosphere immediately above the stratosphere
  • Most asteroids burn up here
Photo by tlwmdbt


  • ions in this sphere reflect radio waves back to earth
  • the aurora borealies occurs in this sphere
  • the lower part of the thermosphere


  • the outer layer of the thermosphere
  • phone calls and television pictures are relayed by varies of communication satellites that orbit earths in the exosphere

1.is the following sentence true or false

the troposphere contains most of the mass in the atmosphere


Why is the thermosphere so hot

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Energy from the sun strikes the thermosphere first and nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air convert the energy into heat

Photo by Leo Reynolds

3.List the layers of the thermosphere, describe where each begins above earths surface

A. The ionosphere begins 80 km above earth's surface
B. The exosphere begins 400 km above the surface

4.Brilliant light displays that occur in the ionosphere are called what

5.Why would an ordinary thermometer show a low temperature in the thermosphere

The thermosphere does not contain enough air molecules to collide with and warm an ordinary thermometer very much

6.How does the depth of the troposphere vary

The depth varies from more than 16 km above the equator to less than 9 km above north and south poles

7.How far does the stratosphere extend above earth's surface

It extends to about 50 km above earth's surface

8.Where does the mesosphere begin

Photo by simone|cento

It begins 50 km above earths surface

Photo by simone|cento

9.is the following sentence true or false

As altitude increases in the troposphere,
temperature increases

Photo by williamcho


Photo by williamcho

10.The four main layers of the atmosphere are classified according to to changes in what