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LBA: India

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • The Hindu religion accounts for 81% of the religion
  • India is 15 percent islam
  • India is 14 percent Christian.

Hinduism history: Hinduism is a very unique religion because it has no founder or date of origin. Hindus believe that if you live and honest and good life and be a good person you will be treated well in the after life.

Economy- the economy in India is quite strong the GDP sits at around 7.966 trillion. Which ranks seventh in the world. Which is very good considering the population. Mumbai is considered the commercial capital, and also it's the most populated city.

Government- The government in India is a Central government. It is very similar to America in the fact that they have a legislative and an executive branch. They also have a president as well as Vice President.

The government affects the people the same way it does in America. They make most big decisions but it gives the people the ability to choose their leaders.

The teen life is somewhat similar to ours. The main sport they play is cricket. The public schooling is similar. Most kids have it available to them. However the less fortunate do not. That mainly happens in the less populated areas.

One current event that is going on in India right is the weather. It has been north of 105 degrees every day for the past mont and it has been very hard for them to maintain a normal lifestyle.

Indian people usually celebrate only religious holidays and few others. Ramadan is the main Muslim holiday. And for Hindus which is most people, they celebrate Diwali. And it is a equevelent to Christmas in America.

India's last major battle was the seven years war in the 1750's which involved many European countries as well. It was for possession of colonies. As well as both the world wars. However India was not ver crucial in either of those wars.

My life has consisted of always being in public schools, and church and baseball. Which is very similar to a kid in India. Except they play cricket and not all kids go to public schools.

My beliefs in America have always been in Jesus Christ. As to where in India it revolves around Vishnu. I believe Jesus died for all of our sins. They believe that if they are bad then they will turn into another animal.

The good thing about America is that no matter where you live ore how much money you have, everyone is given the opportunity to go to school. In India it is the same generally with a few exceptions.

The way I live in America is the same as India in a sense as far as opportunity. Because the government is the same. We both have three branches and a president. Which means Indians and Americans have the same opportunities generally.