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Lead, Manage, Follow

Published on Feb 03, 2016

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Lead, Manage, Follow

Roles, Theories and Relationship to Patient Safety
Photo by VinothChandar


Maintain esprit de porcs in face of repetition
Photo by ChrisGoldNY


Inspires followers in face of uncertainty
Photo by lecercle


Contributes optimally while acquiescing to needs of situation
Photo by krossbow

Desired attributes

of Leaders, Managers and Followers
Photo by haglundc

Situational Contingency Theory

Trust, goal clarity, adaptation


Attends to follower needs/motives


Lower level needs drive behavior
Photo by Luc Galoppin

Two-factor Theory

Hygiene and Motivator Factors Recruit and Retain Staff
Photo by froodmat

Organizational Behavior Modification

Positive Reinforcement Motivates Followers
Photo by jylcat

Safe Care

Every RN has authority to act in best interest of patients
Photo by diegodacal

Institute of Medicine

Defined number of deaths r/t safety issues
Photo by Key Foster

Agency for Healthcare Research / Quality

Source of TeamSTEPPS

Joint Commission

Patient Safety Goals, Sentinel Event Review
Photo by Rainbirder


Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes R/T Safety

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Rapid Cycle Change Projects 

Gardners Tasks

Motivate, affirm, trust, role model, renew

Complexity of Healthcare

Info imbalance, consumer needs, regulatory requirements
Photo by dmums

Apply what is known

Appreciate and utilize the wheel 
Photo by Camil Tulcan

Fresh eyes

CAN see the forest for the trees