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SWBAT identify and explain how leadership positions and organizations help maintain safety and order.
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Published on Nov 18, 2015

Identify and explain how leadership positions and organizations help maintain safety and order.



help maintain saftey and order!
SWBAT identify and explain how leadership positions and organizations help maintain safety and order.
Photo by 96dpi


  • Help student's learn.
  • Keeps students safe from outside harm and other danger.
  • Prepares kids for their future.
  • Maintains order with a daily schedule and expectations.
Photo by bsabarnowl

Crossing Guard

  • Maintains saftey by helping students get to school safely.
  • Protects students from cars.
  • Helps traffic flow better (keeps cars and busses moving as quick as possible).


Help saftey by....        Keeps order by.....
Photo by AMagill

Police officers

Helps keep people safe by....     Keeps order by....

Life guard
Maintains order by....
Keeps people safe by...

The President

helps our country by...
Photo by JAXPORT

Leaders/Organizations have laws and rules

Rules and laws help people keep _________and _________.

Untitled Slide

  • At the end of the lesson students will identify and explain how leadership positions and organizations help maintan safety and order.
  • Made by Katie Gauvin