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Lean Six Sigma

Published on Nov 18, 2015

A ten minute overview of Lean Six Sigma.


Lean Six Sigma

Dave's Quick  Primer

Lean Six Sigma

  • A rigorous and structured approach to help manage and improve quality and performance, and to solve potentially complex problems

Lean Thinking

  • Focuses on enhancing value for the customer by improving and smoothing the process flow and eliminating waste
  • Much of Lean was developed by Toyota
  • Many tools come from service organisations (surprisingly?)
  • Slight slant towards "efficiency" orientation? (vs Six Sigma)
Photo by harold.lloyd

Lean Principles

  • Understand customer and their perception of value
  • Identify and understand the value stream for each process and the waste within it
  • Enable the value to flow
  • Let the customer pull the value through the processes, according to their needs
  • Continuously pursue perfection (continuous improvement)
Photo by cobalt123

Six Sigma

  • Systematic & robust approach to improvement, customer need focused
  • Originally out of Motorola
  • Sigma: a measure of variation that reveals average difference between any one item & the overall average of a larger population of items
  • Slight slant towards "effectivness" orientation? (vs Lean)
Photo by luisfhm007

Six Sigma Principles

  • Understand CTQs of customers & stakeholders
  • Understand organisational processes & ensure they reflect customer CTQs
  • Manage by fact and reduce variation
  • Involve and equip the people in the process
  • Undertake improvement activity in a systematic way
Photo by patrick_h

Bringing it together

  • Lean Six Sigma takes the features of Lean and Six Sigma and integrates them to form seven principles
Photo by Jill

Lean Six Sigma Principles

  • Focus on the customer
  • Identify & understand how work is done
  • Manage, improve, smooth process flow
  • Remove non-value-adding steps & waste
  • Manage by fact & reduce variation
  • Involve & equip people in the process
  • Undertake improvement activity in a systematic way
Photo by arbyreed

Process and Tool oriented

  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Many other tools
  • Accreditation: green, black belts

How can we use Lean Six Sigma?

Photo by Erik Charlton