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We all have legacy, the question really is what kind of legacy do we have?


Legacy is something we all have, the question is what type of legacy will we leave. The bible shows us that those who obey God and choose God quite literally change the history and eternity.


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We all have legacy, the question really is what kind of legacy do we have?

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What is a Legacy?

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Both Jonathan Edwards and Max Jukes had a Legacy, one along with his wife loved and served God and left a legacy of people who changed others lives as well as a country for the better. Max Jukes was a criminal and his descendant went along the same path. His legacy was negative for his descendants and those that came into contact with them. We will all leave a legacy, what will ours look like?



RUTH 1: 12-19

In the story of Ruth we read about a women who makes a choice to leave a legacy that will last forever. She does that by choosing God. She chooses to serve God and her mother in law. The impact is immediate in that Naomi is rescued and helped and the eternal impact effects is today. Ruth could have chosen what was easy but instead she chose what was right and godly. She then kept on choosing what was right each and every single day.
Photo by T. Zumbiehl


We all are faced like Ruth and Boaz were with a choice, life or death. To live for God or to ignore Him. To leave a legacy that our children will thank us for or to leave something no one wants.

RUTH 2:5-14

Boaz chooses life, he choose not to abuse your use power but to live before the face of God and protect , provide and sacrifice for Ruth and Naomi. Boaz chooses not what is easy but what is right. In doing so he leaves a Legacy that will see Jesus Christ save the world. In choosing life every day and obedience every day he chooses to impact our lives today, a real legacy.
Photo by Luke Tanis

Meetings between Ruth and Boaz—in his barley field and at the threshing floor—present situations that could have turned out badly for Ruth. The power differential between the two of them was chilling. She is young, female, impoverished, widowed, and an undocumented immigrant who became a common field laborer. .

She is the epitome of utter vulnerability. He, on the other hand, is male, Jewish in his native land, the descendant of one of Israel’s leading families, and a powerful landowner. He had the power to abuse Ruth and get away with it

Photo by Japheth Mast

Ruth’s decision to glean is a matter of survival. It exposes her to greater risk because it requires venturing out alone in a foreign culture. The risk intensifies at the threshing floor when she approaches Boaz in the dead of night.

Photo by e_monk

But this is where Ruth’s story turns out differently, for she will encounter a man who lives before the face of God. That changes everything

Instead of exploiting his advantages, in every situation Boaz uses his male power and privilege sacrificially to empower Ruth and ensure her initiatives on Naomi’s behalf succeed. In the barley field, he intervenes and tells his male harvesters not to touch her.

Photo by James L.W

At the threshing floor, when she approaches him under cover of darkness and no one is looking, he shields her from false accusations and guarantees that her proposal to rescue Naomi’s family will happen.

Photo by -5m

In the end, a hungry widow is fed, a dying family is preserved for another generation, Ruth flourishes in the full embrace of the community of God’s people, and God advances his purposes for the world through their actions.

Let us not forget that the family line they fight to preserve is the royal line of King David and ultimately of Jesus.
Carolyn Custis James

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.

This passage is the call of all parents, it is the call of all believers to see the next generation changed of God. This passage quite clearly tells us what is expected of us what is required for us to leave a great legacy that will last forever.
Photo by Neal.

Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Photo by Kamaljith

Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”

‭‭Deuteronomy ‭6:4-9

Photo by Erwan Hesry

Faithfulness to God.
As a family you commit to living a life of loyalty to God.

Some of the things that we can do daily to achieve Deuteronomy. Be loyal to God every day, choose Him above all else in every choice we make every day. Choose Him over soccer practice, choose Him over temptation.


We need to pass on to the next generation what we know of God, we need to set them up to achieve more and go further than we gone. If we give them the right foundation they will be able to achieve so much for God.
Photo by agullalee

Allowing Gods presence to be part of your everyday life and that of our children.

Each day we need to live in Gods presence. Boaz lived in Gods presence so he knew what to do with Ruth. The knowledge of what was right was easy because he lived close to God. If we live close to God, if we remain in Him John 15:5 then we will also know what to do and when.
Photo by wili_hybrid

Symbols and ceremonies are important tools for helping children understand God's story.

We need to introduce symbols of our faith to our children and allow them to experience mile stones in their Christian walk. we need to be intentional about instilling faith in them. each year we need to be helping them to not only develop cognitively but spiritually too. Each year we can take the opportunity to have an event that will remind on them of God and their growth in their relationship with Him, for example making a big deal of giving them a bible. Taking time to serve together as a family. Pointing out these moments and making them important.
Photo by David Beale

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You have a legacy, we all do the question is, is it a good one, is it an eternal one?

Lisa Bell

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