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Legato and Staccato

Published on Nov 23, 2015

Introducing legato and staccato, with drawing abstract art.



Some words are used to describe many different kinds of art, from music to dance to painting.

"Line" can describe a melody, the shape of a s dancers body, or the structure of a painting.

"Balance" can describe the volume of parts in a song, or the use of complimentary colors in a painting.

Photo by liquidnight

"Style" can mean the feel a a dance, or the idea behind a piece of clothing. We will be discussing style in music today.

Photo by Socceraholic

Some notes have an extra marking that tells us to sing it in a certain style.

These styles can either make the notes longer, smoother, connected:


Photo by VinothChandar

Or, the note can be shorter, sharper, and crisp:


Photo by kevin dooley

This means that music with the same rhythm and same notes can sound different, using legato or staccato markings.

Today, we will be combining a kind of art with a kind of music that is all about style: abstract.

Photo by clickykbd

Abstract means that there is no set shape or design, but is instead all about showing a feeling or style.

Photo by djwtwo

Abstract art can be repeating crisp and clean patterns, like staccato...

Or flowing, connected and smooth lines, like legato.

Photo by kevin dooley



Photo by ghedo

Try creating your own abstract art with the same "style" as the following songs!