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Le'Jhen & Deleah's Project On Castles.

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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  • Nov, 9 1906 Roosevelt travels to Panama.
  • Nov, 9-15 1965 The Great Northeast Blackout.
  • Nov, 9 1989 East Germany opens the Berlin Wall.


  • Nov, 10 1775 Birth of the U.S. Marine Corps.
  • Nov, 9-15 1965 The Great Northeast Blackout.
  • Nov, 10 1969 Sesame Street debuts on this day.

Since the power and security of a lord depended upon his ability to defend himself, fief owners began to build sturdy castles. Castles were designed to withstand a siege and to mount a defense.

The architecture of the Middle Ages castles moved from the early wooden Motte and Bailey castles hastily built by the Normans during their conquest and invasion of England to their fortification in stone with the addition of the great Norman stone keeps. The kings, knights and warlords who travelled to the crusades and who embarked on siege warfare in the Holy Land were influenced by the design and architecture of the fortresses in the far East.

Castles were usually built on top of a hill, if one was handy. That way, the lookout guards could more easily spot attackers approaching. Castle walls were sometimes constructed to be up to 30 feet thick. Some fortresses had towers soaring a hundred feet high.

The Middle Ages encompass one of the most violent periods in English History are epitomised by the castles of the Middle Ages. The castle remained a prime military resource for much of the Middle Ages. It wasn't until the late 1600s, when gunpowder and artillery became more effective, that the castle became obsolete.

The Great Hall was a passageway that connected the lord's home to the keep.The chapel was build either inside the lord's home or as a separate building. The chapel was a place to hold religious services. The gatehouse was a building used by the guards at the gates. The portcullis was the grating of iron bars at the gateway. The Keep was one of the largest spaces behind the thick walls. The keep was a storage area topped by a huge square tower with slotted windows for castle archers to use. The keep stored food, wine, and grain in case of siege.

Love wasn't often an issue when it came to medieval marriages, but it did occur.Marriages may have taken place elsewhere, such as a church or in a peaceful garden, but the wedding party would return to the castle to feast and celebrate for hours, even days.

William the Conqueror's use of castles during the Norman invasion changed the way medieval battles were fought for hundreds of years. To withstand besieging, castle walls were sometimes constructed to be up to 30 feet thick.

The Normans brought castles and feudalism to Medieval England during the Middle Ages. The architecture in this period in the History of castles was called Romanesque or Norman Architecture.


  • Pre-Built Timber Castles were brought with the Normans on their invasion fleet
  • The castle keep was the tower which was built on top of the motte - the Dominating Point
  • The Normans were responsible for building the greatest castle in the history of England
  • the White Tower in the Tower of London in 1078.

The crusades brought the medieval lords and nobles into contact with the great castles and fortresses in the far east. They also learnt about siege warfare and new siege weapons. These ideas were brought back to England and a new style of architecture was developed called Gothic architecture. The basic design of the Norman castles were replaced with even bigger fortresses designed specifically for siege warfare. These massive castles were called Concentric castles.

King Edward I (1239–1307) who built the concentric castles in Medieval England during the Middle Ages. Concentric Castles can be described as "a Castle within a Castle". Concentric castles were effectively lots of buildings, walls, towers and gatehouses in one massive castle complex built within in successive lines of defence. The architecture in this period in the History of castles was called Gothic or Edwardian.

History Of Castles - The Edwardian Concentric Castles

  • A Stronger central Keep or Main Tower was built in a round or polygonal shape
  • Solid walls and pillars were introduced to hold greater weights.
  • Height, pointed arches and wider window openings were a feature
  • Moats surrounded the whole Medieval Concentric Castle complex
  • These castle features included the following: Barbican, Portcullis, Gatehouse, Murder Holes & Death traps.

Our sources
"Weddings in Castles." Weddings in Castles. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.
"History Of Castles in the Middle Ages." History Of Castles in the Middle Ages. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. "Middle Ages for Kids - Medieval Castles." Middle Ages for Kids - Medieval Castles. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014. http://www.lordsandladies.org http://medievaleurope.mrdonn.org http://www.medieval-castles.net