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Lenten Promises

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  • My goals for prayer are......
  • To do 4 Hail Mary's,
  • 3 Our Father's,
  • and 5 Glory to be's.
  • Then I will thank God for the days I lived ,food, shelter, and families and friends.
  • Last I will ask God for forgiveness for all my sins .


  • The things I will be doing for fasting is....
  • On Monday eat normally without snacking.
  • On Tuesday I will be eating no meat in the whole day.
  • On Wednesday I will be eating fruits and vegetables for the day.
  • On Thursday I will be eating normally but no snacking.
  • On Friday I will be eating no meat.
  • On Saturday I will be eating fruits and vegetables.
  • On Sunday I will be eating no meat.
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • For Alms-Giving I will be working on....
  • Helping my family and friends,
  • Giving food, money, and clothes for the poor.
  • Help in any activity that needs help.
  • Lastly for Alms-Giving I will be helping and giving as much as I can.

I will exceed my goals by....
Putting a note in every room. Then whenever I look around the place I will know what I will have to do.

Thank you for listening.
If you have any questions please ask.
I hoped you enjoyed my project.
Thank you!😀