Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452 in Anchiano, Tuscany, Italy.
Leonardo wasn't just a painter.
He was also an...
- inventor
- scientist
- mathematician
- engineer
- writer
- musician
Some of his paintings are...
Portrait of Genevra Benci 1474
The Virgin and the child with St. Anne UKN
The baptism of Christ 1475
The battle of Anghiari 1505
St. John the Baptist 1513
Adoration of the Magi 1481
Madonna of the carnation 1480
Madonna the yarnwinder 1507
The virgin and child with St. Anne & St. John the Baptist UKN
Lucan portrait of Leonardo da Vinci 1505
Portrait of young Fiancee UKN
St. Jerome in the wilderness 1480
Portrait of a Musician 1490
Portrait of Isabella d'Este 1500
Madonna and child with a pomegranate UKN
The holy infants embracing 1490
Drapery for a seated figure 1470
Study of five grotesque heads 1494
Study for the head of Leda UKN
Leonardo's horse UKN
Horse and Rider 1508
Some of his inventions are...
Leonardo's fighting vehicle
33-barreled organ
(machine gun)
Cool facts about him are...
He could write with his left hand and draw with his right hand at the same time.
He didn't write normal. He wrote the opposite way and to read what he wrote properly you would need a mirror.
Bill Gates bought Leonardo's Codex Leicester in 1994 for $30 million. A few pages were used as a screen saver on Windows 94.
When he was 14 he was sent to Florence, Italy to serve as an apprentice for an artist named Andrea del Verrocchio.
A face-recognition software determined that the Mona Lisa is 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry.
He used to buy caged animals at the market just to set them free.
He was home schooled by his father. He lacked a formal education in Greek and Latin.
The Mona Lisa became the worlds most famous painting after stolen from The Louvre in 1911.
Only 15 of his paintings are known to exist.
He wore pink to make his complexion look fresh.
On May 2, 1519, Amboise, France at the age of 67 In the arms of the French king.
His last words were," I have not offended God and mankind. My work did not reach the quality it should have."
My sources
- Wikipedia
- Science for Kids
- Fact Slides