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Lesson 1: Importance of Healthy Eating

Published on Jan 17, 2024

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Importance of healthy eating

Lecture one

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  • This lecture is going to show you a fascinating insight into the complicated world of adolescent nutrition.

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  • In particular, it will focus on the interconnections between macronutrients, micronutrients and good nutrition practices as well as their profound impacts upon young people at an important stage of human development.

this lecture will discuss:

  • The Significance of Eating Healthfully During Adolescence
  • Elements Influencing Teenage Nutritional Decisions
  • The Foundation of Nutrition: Macro and Micronutrients

Importance of Healthy Eating

  • The state of adolescence isn't just a time when explosive growth and remarkable transformation occurs.
  • Nutrition needs to be taken into account more closely in order to develop a foundation for future health during this stage.

Importance of Healthy Eating

  • Healthy diet habits must be adopted to maintain good physical and mental health throughout life.
  • In order to achieve the correct growth and development, good eating habits are of particular importance in adolescence.

Importance of Healthy Eating

  • Healthy eating is crucial for promoting the physical, mental, and emotional growth that occurs during adolescence

An Unprecedented Growth Period:

  • Rapid developmental spurts in both cognitive and physical development occur during adolescence.
  • Due to the increase in body's nutrient needs, a good balanced diet is required during this period.

The Consequences For A Lifetime:

  • In later life, adolescents who eat well may protect themselves from chronic diseases.
  • Poor eating habits throughout adolescence have been linked to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and several cancers, according to studies.

The Consequences For A Lifetime:

  • In addition to promoting general health and wellness, eating a balanced diet rich in whole grains, lean meats, healthy fats, and a range of fruits and vegetables can help avoid many chronic illnesses.

Nutrition & Mental Health

  • In addition to physical growth, nutrition has a significant influence on mental health.
  • People are happier, less anxious, and more intelligent when they eat a balanced diet.

Nutrition & Mental Health

  • On the other hand, a lack of nutrients increases the likelihood of developing depression and other mental health issues.

Elements Influencing Teenage Nutritional Decisions

  • The eating habits of adolescents are influenced by a number of factors. Several of these elements consist of:
  • The family's role: The home is a crucial setting.

Elements Influencing Teenage Nutritional Decisions

  • Young people tend to imitate the meal patterns they see in their homes. Thus, it's common for families to teach their kids similar values when they promote different and well-balanced meals.
  • Thus, it's common for families to teach their kids similar values when they promote different and well-balanced meals.

Manage peer pressure

  • Peer pressure is an important factor affecting adolescents and can often be a cause for bad eating habits.
  • Peer pressure might involve coercion to partake in disordered eating patterns or to consume unhealthy meals.

Manage peer pressure

  • A teenager's journey takes him to a point where he becomes highly influenced by his peers.
  • Caregivers need to provide a solid nutritional basis in the home so that poor eating behavior is not encouraged by peers.

Media and perceptions

  • The media can also influence eating habits among young people.
  • Images of slender models and advertisements for harmful foods might encourage unhealthy eating habits and body dissatisfaction.

Media and perceptions

  • The media environment, full of advertising for sugary products and impossible body standards, could distort young people's views on nutrition.
  • The promotion of fundamental media literacy may be a key defense against this kind of pressure.

Socioeconomic considerations

  • While a number of food alternatives are available to adolescents living in financially stable homes, adolescents with low socioeconomic backgrounds may not be able to find as many options and could choose more affordable but less healthy choices.

Socioeconomic considerations

  • The social position certainly plays an important role in the choice of food. The lack of access to healthy food often has a negative impact on teenagers in poor families; this shows the need for more comprehensive public services.

Macro and Micronutrients

  • The macronutrients and micronutrients are fundamental to nutrition.
  • Both of them are important to different degrees.
  • Both macronutrients and micronutrients must be included in a balanced and healthy diet.


  • The micronutrients in trace amounts are vitamins and minerals that the body needs, whereas the three principal nutrients for which it requires significant quantities are carbohydrates, proteins or fats.


  • This lecture will discuss nutrients in the body's function and its effects on health, as well as sources and daily allowances of macro nutrients and micronutrients recommended for adolescents.

The Body's Fuel: Carbohydrates

  • They are the main source of energy for our bodies and are essential.
  • They're required by young people for about 130 grams of food each day, but in order to get them they need better nutrition from foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains rather than sugared sweets.

The Body's Fuel: Carbohydrates

  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our bodies, with 4 calories a gram.
  • There are two types of carbohydrates: complex and simple.


  • Complex carbohydrates are present in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, whereas simple carbohydrates are present in processed foods and refined sweets.
  • Apart from delivering energy to the brain and nervous system, carbohydrates support healthy weight management as well as good digestion.

Proteins: The Building Blocks:

  • The body's tissues and organs depend on proteins for development and repair.
  • It should also be used to produce hormonal and enzyme products, keep the muscle mass healthy as well as maintain an adequate level of immunity.

Proteins: The Building Blocks:

  • To obtain four calories for every gram, adolescents should strive to take 34 grams of protein a day.
  • Examples of foods that have a lot of protein are meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, nuts, seeds and legumes.

Fats: Not only energy

  • Fats are necessary to insulate the body, store energy and protect organs.
  • They also aid in regulating the level of hormones, and preserving good skin and hair.

Fats: Not only energy

  • Young people should be encouraged to consume between 25% and 35% of their total energy from fats, due to the fact that fat has 9 calories for every gram.
  • Good sources of fats are olive oil, nuts, seeds, fatty fish and vegetable oils.

Vitamins: small but important

  • All 13 vitamins needed have a special responsibility to aid in the immune system, eye and cell functions, from A to K which includes B complexes.
  • Sufficient consumption will be assured by a bright plate containing fruit, vegetables and food rich in nutrients.
  • For a lot of things in the body, vitamins are needed.


  • To meet their vitamin needs, adolescents must aim to eat a balanced and varied diet with the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains as well as cooked foods which are rich in vitamins.
  • Depending on the vitamin and age groups, it is advisable that vitamins be consumed at least once a day.


  • Minerals are essential for healthy bones and neurological function.
  • High levels of minerals in food, e.g. dairy products, almonds and leafy greens, provide a powerful base for your nervous system.
  • To stay healthy, minerals need to be taken up by the blood, teeth and bones.


  • They're helping with the maintenance of nerve and muscle function, as well as controlling water balance.
  • Calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc are among the many necessary minerals..
  • A number of foods with high mineral content, such as whole grains, dairy products, nuts and leafy greens, should be consumed by adolescents.


  • There is a lot of complexity in adolescent nutrition, but it must be understood.
  • In addition to one's current state of health, it involves building a foundation for a healthy life.


  • We can help to promote generations that are happy and healthy through applying knowledge of the fundamental principles of nutrition in conjunction with broader social and culture impacts on young people.
  • In addition to information, the nutritional pathway is a source of empowerment.


The Food Guide Pyramid and MyPlate