Let Us Help You Help You!
How to help your Librarian help you!
What does the Library Program do?
Untitled Slide
- Encourage
- Provide
- Teach
- Support
How do we help teachers & staff?
Untitled Slide
- Assemble
- Suggest
- Model
- Collaborate
Our Favorite Online Resources
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- LibGuides
- PAUSD Databases
- PA Public Library
- Searching
- Bibliography
- Inter Library Loans
- Lists
- Elementary
- Digital Citizenship
- Help you create one
PAUSD Databases
- BrainPop (Jr./Espanol/ESL)
- World Book Online
- Safari Montage
- Sirs/Ebsco
PA Library
- Tumble Books
- BookFlix
- CA Mission Books
- Homework Help
What does collaborating with us look like?
Untitled Slide
- simple & quick
- in the library
- in your classroom
- together
Untitled Slide
- Book Suggestions
- Grants & Donations
- Book Suggestions
- Inter Library Loan
- Curriculum lists
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