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library hub

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Our Library Hub

Goals for Creating a 21st Century Learning Space
Photo by Serge Melki

Long-Range Goals

A 5-Year Plan
Photo by creepyed

Goal 1:

  • Collaborate with staff and administration to support Common Core Standards, Georgia Performance Standards, and the ISTE Standards by implementing the following:
  • Attend department meetings.
  • Attend grade level planning meetings to coordinate Media Center lessons.
Collaboration with the media specialist and the teachers is important to enhancing classroom curriculum and supporting content standards. According to Bates, McClure, & Spinks (2010), “Research has shown that achievement is higher in schools where library media specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to offer information literacy instruction that is integrated with subject area content.” Our stakeholder survey placed collaboration between teachers and the media center as a very high priority. Stakeholder suggestions include coordinating lessons and a school-wide calendar.

Goal 1 Continued:

  • Create a school-wide calendar to schedule media center classes and classroom support.
  • Provide information to teachers on integrating technology into the classroom. 
  • Provide workshops for integrating technology into curriculum and standards.
Collaboration with the media specialist and the teachers is important to enhancing classroom curriculum and supporting content standards. According to Bates, McClure, & Spinks (2010), “Research has shown that achievement is higher in schools where library media specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to offer information literacy instruction that is integrated with subject area content.” Our stakeholder survey placed collaboration between teachers and the media center as a very high priority. Stakeholder suggestions include coordinating lessons and a school-wide calendar.

Goal 2:

  • Become the information center for the students, staff, and the community by implementing the following:
  • A parent resource center with community information and resources.
  • Provide professional development and training to educators.
“Library media centers are the nucleus of the school and will continue to be the center of learning.” (AASL, 2009). The nucleus of the school reaches out to the students, the staff, and the community. The student as a whole is supported by many different components. Offering parent resources offers support to the families and to the student outside of the school walls. According to the stakeholder survey over 75% of the people polled would like to see parent resources in the media center. Training teachers on technology integrates various tools into the classrooms. Our diverse world creates diverse learners. Students have different exceptionalities and different learning styles. Some students may need academic support, while others need a multi-media resources for projects. The library should have the ability to support each diverse student and promote information literacy.
Photo by csaavedra

Goal 2 Continued:

  • Provide learning experiences which encourage students to become proficient users of information and technology.
  • Maintain a diverse environment that supports the diverse learning needs of students.
“Library media centers are the nucleus of the school and will continue to be the center of learning.” (AASL, 2009). The nucleus of the school reaches out to the students, the staff, and the community. The student as a whole is supported by many different components. Offering parent resources offers support to the families and to the student outside of the school walls. According to the stakeholder survey over 75% of the people polled would like to see parent resources in the media center. Training teachers on technology integrates various tools into the classrooms. Our diverse world creates diverse learners. Students have different exceptionalities and different learning styles. Some students may need academic support, while others need a multi-media resources for projects. The library should have the ability to support each diverse student and promote information literacy.
Photo by csaavedra

Goal 3:

  • Lead and support the 21st Century learner by:
  • Providing a range of curriculum-based resources in a variety of formats: books, magazines, eBooks and on-line services.
  • Providing technology which enhances communication, presentation and research skills.
A 21st Century educator teaches a variety of skills. The students and the staff must learn to navigate in a global society. “The teaching of core subjects is interwoven with 21st-century interdisciplinary themes; learning and innovation skills; life and career skills; and information media, and technology skills.” (AASL, 2009). Students and staff need access to resources in a variety of formats. Students and staff also need to be educated on how to use those resources to benefit their learning experience. The media center specialist is the leader of information literacy. The role of the media center specialist includes ongoing research and education to offer the most recent technology options possible. According to the stakeholders survey the majority of the people who answered the questions believe the media center needs more current resources. The need to become a 21st Century learner is important to our stakeholders.
Photo by mrsdkrebs

Goal 3 Continued:

  • Continually exploring and implementing new technology tools to stay current with education developments.
  • Educate learners on a variety of technology tools for presenting and research.
A 21st Century educator teaches a variety of skills. The students and the staff must learn to navigate in a global society. “The teaching of core subjects is interwoven with 21st-century interdisciplinary themes; learning and innovation skills; life and career skills; and information media, and technology skills.” (AASL, 2009). Students and staff need access to resources in a variety of formats. Students and staff also need to be educated on how to use those resources to benefit their learning experience. The media center specialist is the leader of information literacy. The role of the media center specialist includes ongoing research and education to offer the most recent technology options possible. According to the stakeholders survey the majority of the people who answered the questions believe the media center needs more current resources. The need to become a 21st Century learner is important to our stakeholders.
Photo by mrsdkrebs

Goal 4:

  • Remain current with all legal guidelines and professional ethics; update all policies, procedures, and guidelines accordingly; and publicly post all current policies, procedures, and guidelines for staff, students, and parents.
Legal guidelines and ethical use of information is a top priority for a media specialist. Following and conveying the policies and procedures of the school is very important. According to Empowering Learners the media specialist is the expert on legislation, policies, and procedures (AASL, 2009). The stakeholder survey shows that half of the people polled do not feel the media center information, policies, and procedures are easily accessible. An important part of connecting the school and community to the media center is offering information and open communication. The media center is also responsible for teaching digital citizenship and copy-right laws to help the students and staff use information ethically.
Photo by knezovjb

Goal 4 Continued:

  • Maintain and post current legislation and regulations regarding access, copy- right, and other legal issues that affect the library media program.
  • Maintain and post Media Center hours and information policies.
Legal guidelines and ethical use of information is a top priority for a media specialist. Following and conveying the policies and procedures of the school is very important. According to Empowering Learners the media specialist is the expert on legislation, policies, and procedures (AASL, 2009). The stakeholder survey shows that half of the people polled do not feel the media center information, policies, and procedures are easily accessible. An important part of connecting the school and community to the media center is offering information and open communication. The media center is also responsible for teaching digital citizenship and copy-right laws to help the students and staff use information ethically.
Photo by knezovjb

Goal 4 Continued:

  • Educate teachers and students on digital citizenship and the school district rules.
Legal guidelines and ethical use of information is a top priority for a media specialist. Following and conveying the policies and procedures of the school is very important. According to Empowering Learners the media specialist is the expert on legislation, policies, and procedures (AASL, 2009). The stakeholder survey shows that half of the people polled do not feel the media center information, policies, and procedures are easily accessible. An important part of connecting the school and community to the media center is offering information and open communication. The media center is also responsible for teaching digital citizenship and copy-right laws to help the students and staff use information ethically.
Photo by knezovjb

Short-Range Goals

What can we do now?
Photo by creepyed

Goal 1:

  • Provide opportunities for collaboration between the library media specialists and classroom teachers in order to incorporate information literacy and technology into instruction.
1a: Pre/post surveys will be provided to teachers to determine the effectiveness of the materials provided to teachers.

1b: Collaborative meeting minutes will detail how library materials can be integrated into planning and instruction.
Photo by edlabdesigner

Goal 1a:

  • 1a: The Media Specialist will provide suggestions and professional training materials for curriculum appropriate lessons that encourage collaboration between teachers and the media specialist.
1a: Pre/post surveys will be provided to teachers to determine the effectiveness of the materials provided to teachers.

1b: Collaborative meeting minutes will detail how library materials can be integrated into planning and instruction.
Photo by edlabdesigner

Goal 1b:

  • 1b: The Media Specialist will strive to attend grade-level and/or subject-level meetings to assist in integrating library materials into classroom planning and instruction.
1a: Pre/post surveys will be provided to teachers to determine the effectiveness of the materials provided to teachers.

1b: Collaborative meeting minutes will detail how library materials can be integrated into planning and instruction.
Photo by edlabdesigner

Goal 2:

  • Provide library media materials and services that meet the informational and recreational needs of the school community, including students, teachers, administrators, parents, and any other stakeholders.
2a: Teacher feedback through surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing flexible scheduling/calendars. Media committee input.

2b: Teacher and student satisfaction surveys about the media programs, as well as focus group input.

2c: Techer needs assessment and survey to identify what resources they would find most helpful for instruction.
Photo by thekellyscope

Goal 2a:

  • 2a: The Media Specialist will maintain updated schedules/calendars to assist all stakeholders in the use of the library facilities and materials.
2a: Teacher feedback through surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing flexible scheduling/calendars. Media committee input.

2b: Teacher and student satisfaction surveys about the media programs, as well as focus group input.

2c: Techer needs assessment and survey to identify what resources they would find most helpful for instruction.
Photo by thekellyscope

Goal 2b:

  • 2b: The Media Specialist will include programs that will make reading fun for both students and teachers.
2a: Teacher feedback through surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing flexible scheduling/calendars. Media committee input.

2b: Teacher and student satisfaction surveys about the media programs, as well as focus group input.

2c: Techer needs assessment and survey to identify what resources they would find most helpful for instruction.
Photo by thekellyscope

Goal 2c:

  • 2c: Create a “Teacher Resource Shelf” with standards-based materials to help faculty with their instruction.
2a: Teacher feedback through surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing flexible scheduling/calendars. Media committee input.

2b: Teacher and student satisfaction surveys about the media programs, as well as focus group input.

2c: Techer needs assessment and survey to identify what resources they would find most helpful for instruction.
Photo by thekellyscope

Goal 3:

  • Provide a library media center that is conducive to the 21st century learners.
  • 3a: Clean, reorganize, and purge the media center with a special emphasis on making the AV resources more accessible to the faculty for instruction
  • 3b: Update Media Center postings with current information for the school community
3a: Needs assessment surveys and media committee input to determine which media materials are most important to teacher instruction, as well as recommendations to how they would like to see resources organized.

Checklist rubric to identify the details of the Media Center website that should be uploaded, as well as a timeline for quarterly updates.

3c: Pre/Post surveys to show evidence of student technology ability growth.

Goal 3 Continued:

  • 3c: Continue to introduce students to the latest technology via iPad, iPod Touch, SMART Board, Document Camera
3a: Needs assessment surveys and media committee input to determine which media materials are most important to teacher instruction, as well as recommendations to how they would like to see resources organized.

Checklist rubric to identify the details of the Media Center website that should be uploaded, as well as a timeline for quarterly updates.

3c: Pre/Post surveys to show evidence of student technology ability growth.

Goal 4:

  • Insure knowledge of the media centers policies, procedures, and practices to all stakeholders.
  • 4a: Update and post the media centers current Policies, Procedures, and Vision and Mission statements.
4a: Pre/Post surveys to identify patrons’ knowledge of media center policies, procedures, and vision and mission statement.

4b: Pre/Post assessments to identify patron knowledge and comfort level using technology safely and responsibility.

Goal 4 Continued:

  • 4b: The Media Specialist will provide the students and teachers with the knowledge of using technology safe and responsibly.
  • 4c: Collaborate with teachers to plan and implement Digital Citizenship lessons with all students.
4a: Pre/Post surveys to identify patrons’ knowledge of media center policies, procedures, and vision and mission statement.

4b: Pre/Post assessments to identify patron knowledge and comfort level using technology safely and responsibility.


  • (AASL) American Association of School Librarians. (2009). Empowering learners. Chicago: American Library Association.
  • Bates, Joanne. McClure, Janelle. Spinks, Andy. "Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice." Library Media Connection. (2010).

References Continued

References Continued