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Welcome and introduce myself. Why am I here? Make some connections to OSLA and their advocacy for school libraries.
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Library Learning Commons

Published on Dec 09, 2015

Presentation for Pre Service Teacher Candidates. Purpose is to apprise them of the changes in the school library program and get them thinking about how they can leverage the power of collaboration with the teacher-librarian. Quick 30 minute presentation


Library Learning Commons

Library program in the current educational landscape
Welcome and introduce myself. Why am I here? Make some connections to OSLA and their advocacy for school libraries.
Photo by lumaxart

what's your take?

  • Turn and talk
  • Take a few moments to discuss your experiences with school libraries with an elbow partner
  • Be prepared to share with the whole group

So, what's new?

Why the shift?

Response to an era of complex change
Pedagogical shift from information seeking and reporting to Individual and collective knowledge creation

Teacher directed learning -> Self participatory learning

Classroom Learning -> Networked & global learning

Standards driven -> Exploring big ideas and concepts

teaching -> Process and active learning

Individual teacher expertise -> Collaborative learning
Photo by funadium

What has changed exactly?

Role of the TL
Much more collaborative

Bigger focus on teaching

Note LL stipulates standards of practice that are ALL around pedagogical practice and in particular collaborative practice

Together for Learning sets out a new vision for the role of the school library, one that responds to our changing educational landscape
Photo by mommy peace

Physical Learning Spaces

Open flexible spaces where students choose how they wish to learn

Books on walls; as much as possible on wheels to accommodate quick changes to the learning space as required
Photo by moqub

Virtual Learning Spaces

Importance of 24/7 access to resources

What does this mean for you? Please take a moment to share ideas for implications for teacher candidates and new teachers.

Photo by @Doug88888

Becoming a teacher-librarian
Additional Qualification offered in many faculties of education in Ontario

May be good to add that this looks different in other provinces and countries
Photo by John-Morgan

Challenges & Opportunities

  • Inconsistencies in program delivery models, staffing, funding
  • Many bodies & associations fighting for equitable access to school library services
Photo by MTAPhotos

Final Word
Consider partnering with the teacher-librarian when you do your placement or start a new job!

Photo by vharjadi

Thank you!

Photo by Leo Reynolds


Copy of OSLA Updates


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