John Gokongwei, Jr.
- Your name does not define you.
- Do not be afraid to get that loan.
- Know what the market needs.
John Gokongwei Jr was born in Fujian Province, China on August 11, 1926,. He is known to invest in the telecommunications, aviation and the livestock industry. Being the third richest person in the Philippines, ranking behind Henry Sy and Lucio Tan, his story is nothing short of inspiring.
At a very young age, he had shown his entrepreneurial side in order to survive. Born to an affluent family in Cebu, his family lost everything when his father died when Gokongwei was still young and he was left to support his family. His father lost everything from the banks when he died. This event defined Gokongwei’s rise to where he is right now.
He started selling different things in the market just to meet the day–to-day requirements. By the Second World War, he started his company called Amnesia where he imported textile remnants, fruits and clothing from the US. His first taste of commercial success happened in 1957 when he was able to borrow funds from the then chairman of China Bank, Albino Sycip. With the P500,000 he started the milling plant which was then called the Universal Robina Corporation. And the rest is history!
What can you learn from him?
1. Your name or family background does not define you
The Gokongwei’s story is not your average rags-from-riches story. He lost everything and had to start from scratch, which was more difficult than not having anything to start with. If you know how to play your cards right, it is possible to increase your assets without relying on your family’s wealth.
2. Do not be afraid to get that loan
If you really know how to use your capital, it is possible to reach market leadership in your chosen market. A lot of people forget the fact that they need a capital in order to start something big. The bank is willing to help entrepreneurs who have an idea on how to grow that money.
3. Know what the market needs
During the Second World War, one of the toughest times to survive, Gokongwei managed to start his own company. It was not easy to import goods from anywhere but he managed to do it. His determination to overcome obstacles is one lesson than everyone should try to emulate.