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Life's Not Fair

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Life Isn't Fair

Ecclesiastes 8

Ecclesiastes 8:5

  • "Whoever keeps a command will know no evil thing, and the wise heart will know the proper time and the just way."

Ecclesiastes 8:1-9

  • "Rules were made to be broken" - Is this true?
  • Why are rules/rulers important to have?
  • What would the world be like without rules?


  • Why do God's rules always seem so confining?
  • Why does it seem God is always trying to take away our fun?
  • What about parents?


  • Parents always want what's best for you.
  • They are trying to keep you safe.
  • The same goes with God also.
  • Our Heavenly Father tries to protect us and keep us safe.

God's Will For Us

  • God knows exactly what we need to keep us safe.
  • His will is always in His mind.
  • But we often don't understand His will for our lives. We question it.
  • But we should always follow God's will for our lives.

3 Examples of God's Will

  • Battle
  • Flashlight
  • Castle

Ecclesiastes 8:10-17

  • Ever seen someone doing wrong and it all work out for them?
  • The person cheating, being successful.
  • The one who wasn't honoring God but they seem to have it so well.
  • Solomon says "The wicked get what the rightesous deserve and the righteous get what the wicked deserve."


  • Attitude - "If I can get away with it, I can do it."
  • Dangerous attitude. We should never do something just b/c we won't get caught.
  • We should do what's right no matter if anyone notices or not.
  • God sure take notice!

Life Is Unfair

  • We all live in a fallen, unfair world.
  • Sometimes it seems the wicked/bad do seem to prosper.
  • But this shouldn't lead us to giving up our faith.
  • We should strive to love God back just as much as He love us!
  • If we live to please the King, no harm will ultimately come to us!

Broken and Unfair World

  • Parents losing their children in Sandy Hook shooting
  • Woman loses her legs protecting her kids from a tornado in Indiana
  • Boston Marathon Bombings
  • How do stories like this make you feel? God feel? Why doesn't God judge these people in this life?

2 Peter 3:9

  • "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Our Time vs. God's Time

  • We always want to rush in & punish people ourselves for their cruel acts.
  • What about the Sandy Hook shooter? Lot of hate and discontent.
  • If he hadn't taken his own life, would 2 Peter 3:9 still apply to him?
  • Of course it would. God doesn't give up on anyone!

God Never Gives Up

  • If God wouldn't give up on a killer, what make you think he would give up on you?
  • God is patient with you. He always has hope that you will turn to Him.
  • We live in a sinful world. Difficult things happen to us. But God is infinitely good.
  • God often blesses us through our surrounding tragedies.

This life is unfair, but what happens after this life is final!

Photo by aeromat