Setting- It started in the galaxy where Stitch was created. Lilo lives in a small village in Hawaii. This is in the present day.
List of characters
- Lilo
- Stitch
- Nani
- Jumba
- Cobra Bubbles
- Agent Pleakly
- David
- Gantu
- Grand Councilwoman
Lilo is a little girl who's parents died in a car crash. Lilo's sister Nani takes care of her. Nani is getting questioned by a social worker named Cobra Bubbles. Cobra Bubbles is called to Nani's house to determine the fate of her guardianship over her sister Lilo. David is a close friend of Nani's and helps them with stitch. He also helped Nani find a job.
Stitch was created by Jumba. He was called experiment 626 until Lilo bought him, he was named stitched. He was made to destroy things and to be indestructible. Jumba the evil scientist the one who created stitch had to go catch him and bring him back. With the suppper vision of Agent Pleakly, to make sure he doesn't hurt the humans.
Gantu had to go to earth to capture stitch because Jumba and pleakly couldn't get it done fast enough. Grand Councilwoman is the head of the alien council.
The protagonists in the story is Lilo & Stitch. Stitch was created in the galaxy. He was created to be in indestructible. When he came to Hawaii he was wrecking everything. Lilo brought the good out of stitch. Lilo was a little girl who's parents died. All she wanted was someone to be her friend.
Rising Actions
The rising action is when Jumba and Pleakly came and tried taking stitch. Jumba and Pleakly couldn't catch him so Gantu had to come and catch stitch. When he caught stitch he also caught Lilo to because they where standing next to each other.
The climax is when Stitch and Lilo get captured and put in a glass jar by Gantu.
Falling climate
This is when Stitch gets out and he falls off before he could get Lilo out. After fighting with Gantu with the space ships, he gets Lilo out with the help of Pleakly, Jumba, and Nani.
The denouement is when Grand Councilwoman
came to take him. Lilo bought him and aliens don't like to break the rules. She desired to leave Stitch with his new family.
Since Stitch stayed Grand Councilwoman said that Nani and Lilo have to stay together.
The main conflicts are that Stitch destroys things and the galaxy wants to capture him and take him away from Lilo.
This is person vs. society.
This is external.
The theme is, Ohana, means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. It also is that there is good in everyone.