Lily's Dream Trip

Published on Dec 06, 2016

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Lily's Dream Trip...

Photo by rakkhi

lily is an 11 year old girl

Photo by zilverbat.

She suffers from Von Williebrand Disease

Photo by tamahaji

it effects the circulatory system, and is caused by missing or defective clotting protein.

Photo by Double--M

Bleeding and bruising can happen more frequently and excessively.

Interesting Fact:40% of People are born with Von W

We plan to fly her to New York, where she will see the shows of a lifetime.

Photo by ericmay

She will stay at the Nomad Hotel

Photo by edenpictures

Her parents will also keep Fibrin Glue and DDAVP handy.

Fibrin Glue is a glue that you apply to a cut to seal it.

Photo by Konfu

DDAVP is a pill that she takes if she has a cut, and it helps control bleeding.

Photo by riekhavoc

Please send her to her dream destination

Photo by karindalziel

Thank you!!!

Photo by real.heightz

Joey Hachtel

Haiku Deck Pro User